Creative Realities ReflectView Creator XAvailable within the ReflectView digital signage software platform Creative Realities, Creator X enables content design creation from anywhere.

The tool Creator X offers an optimized way to create and manage content by accessing through the feature Reflect XperiencE, as part of the digital signage platform ReflectView, that can be started from anywhere without third-party creative teams, according to the statement of Creative Realities.

"Creator X is our direct answer to the problem, too common today, of small teams, budgets and workloads-explains in the statement Jason Donnini, Director of Product Management at Creative Realities-. We intend to make it a simple way for our customers and partners to create professional content quickly and competently.. In addition, does not require an additional charge or budget".

Creative Realities ReflectView Creator X

Available to all Reflect Xperience customers, this tool has text and image editing, video components, creating templates and customizations, whose management will have the help of the Creative Realities team.

As he points out Rick Mills, CEO of the company, "We believe there is power in simplicity, and this tool, although simple in practice, delivers critical value when teams urgently need high-quality content at a lower cost. Creator X has been the latest innovation from the brilliant minds of our in-house software development team.".

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by • 30 Aug, 2022
• section: Digital signage