Oxford Brookes University installs a multi-view stereoscopic VR Cave
alongside ST Engineering Antycip, The university promotes research and teaching in engineering and computer science using virtual technology.
ST Engineering Antycip has provided the Oxford Brookes University what it claims is the first VR system Stereoscopic Cave multi-view in operation in the UK.
The aim of this teaching centre was to improve its research and teaching facilities in engineering and computer science using virtual technology. Thanks to the relationship between the university and ST Engineering Antycip, Joe Tah, Vice-Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment from Oxford Brookes University, set to work on a collaborative project that would provide an educational and immersive VR Cave environment for their students.
This virtual environment consists of two modes of operation: Unique, whereby only the primary user's vision is tracked and dynamically corrected to their eyes, and Multiview, that allows you to track two people and each one sees a different image with corrected perspective when wearing the corresponding 3D glasses.
“We believe this is the UK's first stereoscopic VR system currently in operation”, Says John Mould, Director of Business Development at ST Engineering Antycip. “One of our biggest challenges for the Cave was installing the highest quality rear-projection screen substrates, that we got from ship. their UDM laser projectors Vertically mounted, each equipped with a folded lens optic, make the footprint of this Cave very compact to aid its ability to be installed within a restricted space”.
In combination with a set of high-powered PC imagers, each with a graphics card NVidia Quadro RTX A6000, the Cave is capable of delivering high-resolution images at 2,560×1.600 Pixels per face, offering 3,840×2.400 pixels at 120Hz.
Trail Cameras Vicon And the two wireless navigation devices support dual simultaneous tracking perspectives, making this Cave a step up from the restrictions of the past, in which only one person could have his or her corrected eyesight.
Users of this technology can visually intercept their solid or fluid dynamic models courtesy of TechViz, which is also capable of delivering any visual dataset based on Unity that the university wishes to explore.
The basis of the software allows you to review the university's research on vertical wind turbines deployed as offshore wind farms by combining more than one visual application displayed simultaneously through the module TechViz Fusion, which can allow the overlay of CFD data with relevant CAD data, For example.
The Director of the School of Engineering, Oxford Brookes Computer Science and Mathematics, Gordana Collier, states that the interest and scope of this CAVE environment on campus is becoming much broader than engineering, as art students, Architecture and health are showing great interest in its capabilities.
“The Cave is a large blank canvas that allows creativity and flexibility for a wide range of users, with opportunities for many disciplines, unlike other more personalized platforms. The quality is superb and we are delighted to have the means to put new learnings into practice and improve our research”, says Collie.
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