ArKaos VS4

With an 'industrial' design and construction, the new VS4 server that ArKaos presented at the event includes a powerful and fast graphics engine that offers four outputs 4K or 16 HD and works with Windows 11.

The specialist in real-time display technology ArKaos Will show for the first time in the edition 2023 of Prolight+Sound, of the 25 to the 28 April in the German city of Frankfurt, Your powerful new VS4 server, with 19" rackmount for all scenarios that require Visual control total on a series of multimedia entries.

ArKaos VS4 works seamlessly with the latest MediaMaster software from the manufacturer and works with any lighting console, for application in streaming installations, Television studios, as well as for tours and rentals.

ArKaos VS4with up to sixteen HD displays running from a VS4 server, Devices can also be networked to control even more displays, that can be locked remotely thanks to the EDID support, while the front panel LEDs can be programmed to indicate status or help locate faults.

It has two interface screens for monitoring and full USB connectivity on the front through two robust ports and a Neutrik PowerCON for food. Maintenance is simple, as the backplate opens and cables can be extended to change a connector.

Led lighting on the back allows technicians to see what's happening in the dark, which is very useful when working on stage or on a set. As it is a modular system, VS4 units can be expanded as needed by adding input cards.

Basic version includes power and output cards, allowing users to tailor the system to their needs and use their budget efficiently. The integration of the MediaMaster software platform guarantees the Smooth and precise control of multiple video inputs and Led pixels from a single device.

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by • 19 Apr, 2023
• section: control, Events, formation, production