Latcom Rugby World Cup2023

The DOOH & Programmatic Advertising Specialist Latcom will offer a combined strategy of geolocation of the devices with Mobile Out of Home (MooH) for brands to impact the audiences of this great sporting event, which expects to exceed the 900 Millions of viewers worldwide.

The commercial proposal of Latcom for the Rugby World Cup 2023, to be played from 8 September to 28 in ten cities in France, It is based on a novel strategy that combines the Geolocation Service Technology of mobile devices (Geofencing) with the Ooh.

This media synergy strengthens the reach and frequency of advertising campaigns and allows audiences to be reached through different channels, In addition to providing both the Response Tracking as well as from the Roi.

In terms of reach and contact, OOH offers Wide coverage with high frequency, as it is present at multiple touchpoints during the consumer's daily routine. Mobile Allows you to address people individually, Give them the opportunity to react immediately and make a second impact through a segmentation action.

For example, A person looking at a digital medium on a public road while walking down the street, You can then receive an advertising message via social media or in a digital media outlet. "Targeting offers the opportunity to deliver messages when they are of particular relevance to the target audience, whether it's by location or time", point from the company.

Latcom has the necessary tools and structure to generate impact through the best OOH locations distributed in the host cities of France, Its main entrances and exits to the city in avenues and recreation centers, as well as a media strategy for all those countries in Europe participating in the World Cup, covering all areas of interest.

"It's a very interesting challenge to be able to communicate within the framework of the most important rugby event of the year," he says Fernando Vizcaino, General Manager of Latcom-. With our combined geofencing and MooH strategy’ We offer brands the possibility to join a sporting event that draws crowds to accompany their audiences locally, who are following the 48 Matches of the 20 Teams that will play in the championship, and more than 350.000 people who will travel to see it".

For Vizcaino, It is an "excellent opportunity for clients to impact audiences who share a passion for rugby, Geolocating the target in numerous areas, as rugby clubs, colleges, Etc. and then producing a second impact with the brand message through a digital channel".

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by • 4 May, 2023
• section: Case studies, Events, business, Dynamic advertising