SeeSound and DPA seminar

The workshops organized in Madrid and Barcelona by SeeSound, representative of dpa in the Iberian market, They have served for numerous sound professionals to have a detailed knowledge of the innovation in microphones of this manufacturer.

The seminar held in Madrid, Intended for theatre sound technicians, direct, Broadcast and rental companies, to which they went More than eighty attendees, focused on deepening knowledge about microphones by the hand of Bo Brink, expert of dpa, who introduced the new models of Instrument microphones 4055, 2012 and 2015.

SeeSound and DPA seminarBeyond a simple presentation and thanks to the collaboration of a group of musicians, The session became a Practical and dynamic experience, allowing participants to immediately apply such knowledge.

specifically, the microphone 4055 is indicated for hype, as it provides optimal frequency response and dynamics; 2012 It is a cardioid model of compact size, Ideal for any instrument due to its good response in transients, and the semi-cardioid 2015 Offers high performance as ambient stereo pair in drum kits and for instrument groups.

SeeSound and DPA seminarThe session was repeated with equal attendance success in Barcelona. As he points out Nacho Alberdi, CEO of SeeSound, "The goal is to share our knowledge and that of our manufacturers to foster education and professional development in the world of professional sound., And these events have exceeded our expectations.".

The combination of technical knowledge, Live practices and presentation of new DPA microphone models "created a unique experience, dynamic and highly beneficial for all attendees -he adds-. We are delighted with the success of the Workshop and the opportunities that arise, and we will continue to bring value and experiences like this to our community.".

DPA microphone 2012 and 2015In this line, Bo Brink says: "It is incredibly rewarding to be able to share my knowledge and experiences in these learning sessions.. Direct interaction with such a broad profile of professionals, the ability to address their concerns and showcase the latest DPA innovations in action are key elements for us.".

The DPA expert stresses that the organization of these seminars "not only allow an effective dissemination of our new technologies, but they help us to Better understand industry needs and users. I am very satisfied with the results in Barcelona and Madrid and I look forward to future similar events.".

While not all stakeholders had the opportunity to attend the sessions in person, both SeeSound and DPA have decided to make the valuable information and experiences shared at both meetings accessible to a much wider audience., Available in a video on the YouTube channel from the distributor.

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by • 29 May, 2023
• section: audio, Events, formation