Christie Hedra

Designed for mission-critical applications, Christie Hedra sends data to four UHD displays and provides support for videowalls up to 32 megapixels in 8 configurations×2, Helping you make the best decision in collaborative environments.

the processor for videowall Hedra It is an all-in-one solution that Christie has developed thinking about the operations carried out in the control room. Enables quick and informed decisions, With real-time access to controllable data from virtually anywhere.

With the new solution, based on a Linux hardware system and equipped with Multi-view KVM, Users will be able to work securely remotely or centrally, with the ability to easily move between different screen formats or settings.

Thanks to the interfaces drag and drop and a customized organization design, The management and control of the information that appears on the videowall becomes an amazingly simple operation.

With Hedra it is possible to send data to four UHD displays and provide support to videowalls of 32 megapixels in configurations up to 8×2, Helping to make timely decisions in collaborative environments.

"Hedra is a solution for secure control rooms, in line with the TAA standard and very easy to use", Ensures Bill Zhu, Christie's Director of Product Management. "With Hedra it is possible to show, organize and operate up to 26 inputs from baseband power supplies, including HDMI and IP, no latency".

This compact solution is ideal for small to medium-sized applications for command and control rooms, Broadcast, security and safety, Public services and operations and activities in which critical information is worked, that requires secure, real-time viewing.

Hedra is available in three models: Standard, Pro-KVM and Pro-Video, with tickets ranging from 9 from the Standard model to 26 of the Pro-Video model.

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by • 18 jul, 2023
• section: control, outstanding, display, Signal distribution, safety