Daktronics Accor Stadium Sydney

Five of the ten stadiums where the FIFA Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand have LED video screens of Daktronics, among which the one installed at the Accord stadium in Sydney stands out.

The triumph of the Spanish women's football team in the World Cup in the Sydney Accord Stadium It has also served to show how the Led Video Technology of Daktronics has made it easier for fans and spectators to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

It is precisely this stadium that has the largest Daktronics LED video screen on this continent, Called Great Southern Screen, that with 10 meters high by 120 meters wide, is the widest in a sports stadium and the largest in the entire southern hemisphere.

Daktronics Allianz Stadium

Blair Robertson, Daktronics Regional Director, "A lot has been invested in these stadiums to prepare for this global event and the technology we provided was part of those preparations. These screens have surprised fans, making them part of the live experience, But they will also provide a great return on investment to the sponsors and partners of this World Cup by sharing their brand messages.".

Stadiums equipped with Daktronics technology are: Suncorp (Brisbane, QLD), AAMI Park (Melbourne, VIC), HBF Park (Perth, WA), Allianz (Sydney, NSW) and Accor (Sydney, NSW).

These main screens are sharing Live Video and Instant Replays of all the action from the pitch. They also offer Match information and statistics to keep fans informed and immersed in the competition.

One ribbon additional and auxiliary screens also display supplementary graphics and information for a complete matchday experience.

Daktronics Suncorp Stadium

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By • 23 Aug, 2023
• Section: Case Studies, OUTSTANDING, FEATURED Case Study, Digital signage, Display, Signal distribution, Events, Dynamic advertising