Pi module in Mont Saint Michel abbey

To celebrate the millennium of the Mont Saint-Michel Abbey, a videomapping show was organized in which the following were specified: 9 media servers Pi Module and 36 Dual projectors Epson 20K.

On the occasion of the celebration of the Solstice of the Milineum (Solstice du Millénaire) was launched in the French abbey of Mont Saint-Michel A sound and light show. Designed by Les Ateliers BK, retraced the history of the historical monument and magnified the building declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

The technical production of this mapping was entrusted to the audiovisual technical provider VLS. Composed of 5 Scenes, the show combined Video projection, sound, 18 beams of light and 400 Drones. The lighting design is entrusted to the company Ljomay of the drones the firm Dronisos.

The VLS teams faced the challenge of putting on the show while respecting the listed site. The modules that house the video projectors were installed at the 200 meters from the abbey and a total of 36 Dual Epson 20K floodlights to ensure sufficient light output and to manage the different levels of depth of the building.

The projectors were powered with 9 Servers Modulo Player Pro by Modulo Pi to play content in 17.000 square meters of projection area.

The Media Server and its X-Map function allowed you to manage the 2D warp job, with more than 200 independently deformed layers, so that the images would follow the lines of the island and the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. All the elements of the show - projection, audio, Lighting and drones- were synchronized with the timecode generated by Modulo Player.

An audience of 15.000 people came to see this show of 10 minutes, broadcast every half hour from dusk to 1 in the early morning.

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By • 6 Sep, 2023
• Section: Case Studies, Control, Signal distribution, Lighting, Projection