Sony Crystal Led showroom

The powerful visual and immersive effects of the Crystal Led video wall of Sony can be seen in the exhibition hall of Trison in Madrid, which joins the eight rooms in Europe in which it is installed.

The video wall Crystal Led of Sony is currently on display in eight new showrooms in Europe to showcase its stunning visuals and immersive experience to wider audiences.

One of the most recent in which Sony Crystal Led is installed so that visitors can learn about its features in detail is the Sony Crystal Led showroom Trison in Madrid.

As he stresses Jee Hee Lee, Led product manager at Sony, "Crystal Led deserves to be exhibited. Its perfect image on such a large scale is a spectacular experience; We want to share it with as many people as possible and we are looking forward to opening these new spaces in the coming months".

The eight exhibition halls that open their doors (in January 2024 will all be operational), feature the latest generation of the manufacturer's Crystal Led screens, as the BH Series, that takes advantage of the latest advances in technology High Efficiency LED Drivers by Sony.

BH Series Displays Deliver Brilliant Images on a Large Scale, with pixel-perfect, full of intense and vibrant colors, even in brightly lit spaces.

"At Sony, we're especially excited about Crystal Led and want everyone to be able to see and experience it. These showroom they are the perfect opportunity to do so," he says Rik Willemse, Director of Professional Display and Solutions Europe-. The eight showrooms will proudly display the capabilities of these monitors.".

To the Trison showroom in Madrid, will be added until January 2024, When they'll all be open, those of Technicongres in Fontanivent (Switzerland); Visioncube in Warsaw (Poland); Altinova in Ankara (Türkiye); Stim in Milan (Italy); Avistic AS in Oslo and Atea Norway AS (both in Norway), and PSCO Innovation House in Bracknell (United Kingdom).

Regarding implementation, Sony offers around-the-clock support around the world, from initial installation to daily technical support, as well as extended warranty and aftermarket options.

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By • 21 Nov, 2023
• Section: Case Studies, Digital signage, Display, Formation, Business