Canon is as committed to broadcast and film as it is to enterprise and integration
One more year, canon has returned to Ise to showcase your AV offering for the corporate environment, Educational & Virtual Production. A few teams, that as Jaime Martínez explains in this video interview, film and video specialist in Iberia, They are easy to use and cover a wide range of possibilities.
Showcase the functionalities and application environments of its extensive line of PTZ cameras (from the 100 to the 700), Drivers, Camcorders with large sensor, VR/AR and EOS R cameras, has been the main focus of Canon's attendance at the Barcelona fair, Ise 2024.
A 'wall' was created at their stand’ PTZ cameras to demonstrate how your technology can support the AV channel through your Intelligent AF system para una amplia gama de producciones, especialmente en entornos corporativos y de educación, y mejorar los espacios de trabajo híbridos.
En el set de corporate se ha pudo ver cómo las cámaras PTZ trabajan con el sistema de Auto Tracking por movimiento. Esta aplicación permite que estos equipos puedan rastrear automáticamente a los presentadores durante conferencias universitarias o similares, lo que significa que no hay necesidad de un operador de cámara.
Virtual production
En el entorno de la producción virtual, Canon puso de relieve cómo su cámara EOS R5 C, with the lente dual Fisheye, puede grabar contenidos en realidad virtual en 180 grados y verlo con las gafas de realidad virtual. También gracias al sistema de OBS se puede hacer un streaming en RV.
En la parte de virtual estudio, and thanks to the collaboration with Brainstorm and Alfalite, Two sets were designed: one with an Alfalite LED screen and the other with a chroma key. The aim was to show how cameras can be used, both entry-level and high-end, for scalable virtual production scenarios.
likewise, and in the face of the growing need among many e-commerce and online retailers to take high-quality product photographs in-house, Canon has partnered with OrbitVu to show how your photo ecosystem can streamline the process, Doing product photography, Marketplace Modeling, retail... thanks to the AlphaStudio XXL.
“Una vez más Canon ha demostrado que tiene soluciones tanto para la parte de broadcast y cinematrografía profesional como para la parte de corporate e integración. In ISE 2024 se han podido ver soluciones para todos estos entornos”, explica Jaime Martínez, film and video specialist in Iberia.
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