Rhyality immersive art hall WSDG Holophonix

This innovative space for leisure and knowledge around the Rhine waterfall, in Switzerland, Offer your visitors an immersive audio experience, designed by Walters-Storyk Design Group (WSDG), with the processor Holophonix, to manage the 98 Speakers installed and synchronized with the displays.

Rheinfall, the Rhine waterfall, in northern Switzerland, it is the largest in Europe and attracts thousands of tourists every year. Located near the same, Inside a remodeled industrial complex, is the innovative space Rhyality immersive art hall, in which with experiences of 360° projection, Music & Content, Visitors of all ages can learn about the history of the church.

Rhyality immersive art hall WSDG Holophonix

Rhyality immersive art hall offers Immersive Shows Through Visual Worlds, Although the best known is that of the Rhine in the Four Seasons, which offers visitors the possibility of virtually immersing themselves in a unique experience by the waterfall, with the sound of falling water and more.

This project was initially conceived by the artist and film producer Beat Toniolo, Funded by the local tourism entrepreneur Hanspeter Weder, and developed and executed collaboratively by Dost Architektur, Although it is currently run by the art director Devon Miles.

To deliver and synchronize 360° viewing with audio to create the immersive experience, Its leaders resorted to Walters-Storyk Design Group (WSDG), specialized in Architectural Acoustic Consulting, AV Design & Integration.

Rhyality immersive art hall WSDG Holophonix

In addition to planning the acoustic and electroacoustic engineering for this space, WSDG was in charge of designing the Immersive audio system, together with the Dost Architektur team, to realize the vision of a 360° experience.

The First Challenge in Rhyality Immersive Art Hall Design, whose sound system installation you have done Bild+Ton, was to create a room with the right acoustics without the projection screens on the walls, floor and ceiling will cause unwanted reflections from the twenty-eight projectors located in this space.

The WSDG team recommended a special theatrical fabric, Manufactured by the specialist Gerriets, Suitable for both projection and acoustically transparent, which allowed them to build an absorption treatment and place the speakers between the wooden uprights, located behind the screens. The Roof, Finished with an absorbent solid acoustic plaster, It also serves as a projection surface.

Rhyality immersive art hall WSDG Holophonix

The design of the speakers for this immersive space has been done in collaboration with the expert Holophonix, and uses a total of 98 Speakers for a fully immersive audio experience.

Behind the walls are two layers, One to 1,2 M and the second A 3,2 m height, in addition to the ceiling speakers for a third level of height. All speakers feature a Coaxial design to provide accurate and wide off-axis response.

Thanks to the controller dante, as well as acoustically transparent projection screens, Speakers can be easily added when needed. The Holophonix processor enables until 128 Playback Channels and is able to use all the Immersive algorithms Relevant, how Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) and Ambisonics, along with a powerful multi-channel algorithmic reverb engine.

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by • 18 sea, 2024
• section: audio, Case studies, control, Signal distribution, formation, projection