Near 300 Prolights teams light up Madame Tussauds in Budapest
An integrated solution has been used in the project Prolights DisplayCob FC and DisplayCob WW, EclCyclorama 50 and EclCyclorama 100, EclDisplay DATFC and EclProfile CT+.
Products Prolights light up the new Madame Tussauds Museum Budapest. The project was followed by the system integrator company Lisys-Project, under the direction of project managers Gábor Kele and Gábor Nyéky, and Hungarian lighting designer János Madár Madarász, known in Hungary for his expertise in the theatre and music scene.
The installation involved a wide range of Prolights solutions, with a configuration that included around 300 products, including DisplayCob FC and DisplayCob WW, EclCyclorama 50 and EclCyclorama 100, EclDisplay DATFC and EclProfile CT+.
A selection specifically chosen to ensure the highest lighting quality and versatility, essential to enhance the museum's evocative pieces and give dimension and depth to the iconic wax statues.
“The design blends in with the museum's themed environments, ensuring vibrant and dynamic lighting that accommodates the facility's extended opening hours”, declare from the Lisys-Project team.
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