The Chamber of Commerce of Lanzarote installs a Bose Professional system
The new meeting room of this Canarian corporation has an advanced audio and video system, basado en las soluciones de Bose Professional, Designed and installed by the specialist Atrium Canarias, in collaboration with Audiovisual Cloud.
In order to achieve better collaboration, in an environment clear of cables and devices, the new meeting room of the Chamber of Commerce of Lanzarote and La Graciosa It has a complete audio and video system.
The project, defined and integrated by Atrium Canarias, in collaboration with Audiovisual Cloud, Combine speaker performance Bose Professional and the microphone Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2.
The system is completed with the processor DSP ControlSpace EX440C and amplification PowerSpace by Bose Professional, brand that it markets in the Spanish market Gaplasa, to provide an optimal meeting experience.
By minimizing devices on the table and on the walls, los participantes pueden mantenerse de pie, sit or walk around the room with freedom and with the confidence to listen and be heard.
To achieve this, has Pre-tested acoustics of the new room and ceiling panels have been installed to reduce reverberation and ensure that audio distribution is uniform and clear throughout the space.
Regarding the distribution of the sound system, A combination of front-facing speakers has been installed on either side of the main screen and distributed on the ceiling, allowing the voice of the remote room to be broadcast from the front, having a clear location of image and voice in the same position.
The usual use of the new room of the Chamber of Commerce of Lanzarote and La Graciosa is to hold conferences, mainly with Microsoft Teams, so certification on this platform has been very important when selecting the Bose Professional solution.
Conferences are held wirelessly from PCs with Ship Clickshare CX-50, so system compatibility was also a prerequisite.
The result of an optimal video conference in the remote room is highly conditioned by the quality of the Echo cancellation system (AEC) to be implemented. In this case, the AEC algorithm of the Bose Professional ControlSpace EX440C processor makes it easy and, in addition, su Noise reduction algorithm is capable of minimizing the amount it produces, for example, Air conditioning, Even running at full throttle.
Although the ceiling microphone used in this room has as its main objective to capture the voices of the participants to send them clearly to the remote room, In this case it is also used to slightly reinforce the participants' own voices in the room (VoiceLift).
To meet this requirement, a Mix-minus system special: when receiving information about the position of the microphone beams, The entire room has been divided (360º) in six different zones.
The control system Crestron installed in this space, it reads the beam pickup angle and assigns it to one of the six zones, sending the DSP processor the command to route the microphone signal to six different speaker mixes, each of them to a different speaker.
The particularity of this system with respect to that of other manufacturers is that the logic for these routings is made not only taking into account the angle but also that there is sound.
To do this,, ControlSpace EX440C processor is programmed to detect when you are actually talking, using a combination of signal detectors above a threshold, Staying for a certain time. This also allows the cameras to be positioned to focus on the person who is speaking at the moment.
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• Section: Audio, AV Conferencing, Case Studies, Control, Signal distribution, Telepresence / Videoconference