Traulux by Charmex T-Rent Flex

The latest addition to the MiniLed range of Traulux by Charmex is the flexible T-Rent Flex cabinet, an ideal solution for those who want to overcome the limitations of conventional LED and design creative curved screens, both concave and convex, and even circular configurations.

Over two years ago, Traulux by Charmex adopted the MiniLed technology and, since, has been constantly expanding its catalogue. The latest addition is T-Rent Flex, Designed for the creation of curved configurations.

"We are pleased to announce the latest addition to the MiniLed range, A cabinet of 50×50 cm fully flexible, designed to create Curved screens with a variety of degrees of bending, both concave and convex", Traulux explains.

This capability is achieved through an articulated mechanism that allows each cabinet to achieve a curvature of up to 45 Degrees (22,5 degrees per half of the panel). Flexibility within a single cabinet allows for both concave and convex curvatures, making it easier to create wave effects.

Traulux by Charmex T-Rent Flex

With this flexible solution, Traulux offers an ideal solution for those who want to overcome the limitations of conventional LED screens and join the creation of creative curved screens. With just 8 cabinets, It is possible to close the circle and perform configurations such as assembling closed columns, with a diameter of only 1,3 metre.

"Our flexible cabinet features a precise and easy-to-use bending mechanism, ensuring quick and easy installation. Because with three steps you can achieve the desired angle of curvature", indicate the specialists of Led in Charmex.

And if a flat screen is needed, Traulux flexible cabinet can also be used in its flat form, offering even more creative options.

With this incorporation, Traulux completes a trio of cabinets that, next to the Flat T-Rent and to the T-Rent VR, Allow spectacular results to be achieved, Captivating the audience at any event. (More information about this technology and this line at DAV)

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By • 11 Jun, 2024
• Section: OUTSTANDING, Digital signage, Display