SNA Displays energizes the façade of the W hotel in Dallas with a large LED panel
In portrait orientation, This large Led video panel corresponds to the Empire model, of 10 mm pixel pitch, of SNA Displays, used to display commercial advertisements outside this establishment.
Located very close to the stadium American Airlines Center from Dallas (Texas – USA), the W Victory Park hotel has modernized its façade with the installation of a Vertical Led outdoor screen, of 36,8 m2 and pixel pass of 10 Mm, of the Empire model manufacturer's SNA Displays.
This Large Led Video Panel, with a 960 resolution×348 Pixels, has been installed by Elevated Systems and is used to display commercial advertisements outdoors (DOOH) passers-by and motorists heading to the stadium, at the intersection of two major streets.
As a representative of the hotel owner and strategic partner of Victory Park, the company Sensory Interactive has provided technology selection and procurement services on behalf of Asana Partners, with an Empire outdoor video display solution from 10 mm of SNA Displays, What processes more than 368.000 Pixels.
Sensory Interactive has been advising the hotel for more than fifteen years to renew the original platform at the end of its useful life, implement an initial expansion and now further expand the in-store experience with the installation of this display for advertising.
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• section: Case studies, outstanding, HIGHLIGHTED Case Study, Digital signage, display, Dynamic advertising