LG and Atlético de Madrid enhance the stadium with 2.000 m2 of Led screens
The technological core is the 'Sky Ribbon', a second 'digital skin' of 2.000 m2 Led Sheets, custom designed by LG Electronics, that is integrated into the iconic elliptical roof of the stadium of the Atletico Madrid and that it will be in operation before the end of the season.
Technology and sport have come together again in the new collaboration between LG Electronics UK and the Atletico Madrid to modernize the red-and-white stadium, now Riyadh Air Metropolitan, with the installation of the Sky Ribbon on its iconic oval-shaped roof (as the top rendered image), along with new Led screens inside and outside.
This technological alliance, that they presented yesterday at the stadium to the media Jaime de Jaraiz, President and CEO of LG Spain, and Enrique Cerezo, Club President, with the delivery of a commemorative T-shirt of the same, materialized last July (as already advanced Digital AV) with the aim of "bringing innovation and creating memorable experiences not only in the stadium, but also in the future City of Sport”.
As Jaime de Jaraiz said, "It is eThe most ambitious project developed by LG to date in the sports field; a real technological challenge with the delivery of more than 2.000 m2 of custom-made Led screens, High Performance and Image Quality, to guarantee fans and visitors a 360º visual spectacle with the installation of the Sky Ribbon, in line with our motto Life's Good”.
Unique 360º visual spectacle
Rated by both parties as a Unique Technology to be installed for the first time in a stadium, The core of this innovation is the Sky Ribbon, a digital complement of 400 meters in length and 4 Height Vertical Mesh Led, which are currently being built and tested at LG's Korea factory.
As he explains René Abril, director of technology and digital development at Atlético de Madrid, "The Sky Ribbon it is not comparable to any other element that has been seen in a stadium, It's something unique, Because it's like a Digital Second Skin that complements our deck, which is our iconic element, so what Flexibly integrates into it”.
Its planning and design has been a real Engineering Challenge in all its aspects. "The elliptical shape of our roof, with a very special morphology and that moves a lot, has turned the development of the Sky Ribbon in an arduous engineering challenge," says Abril.. We have carried out Wind Tunnel Testing; Tested for permeability; Your Weight so that it would not affect what is already installed and its full visibility for fans. An impressive bespoke design".
This executive points out that these are not Led screens to use in terms of design and Pixel Pitch, "They are Highly flexible vertical blades that will be installed on the cover as if it were a scarf that is being sewn and adapting to the shape of the oval; a digital sticker of 400 meters long Led mesh with a Brightness of 7.500 Nits”.
The forecast is that the Sky Ribbon, which passes its last tests and is being built at LG's headquarters in Korea, Is Available before the end of the season so that fans and visitors can enjoy it as soon as possible.
In addition, the modernization project of the Atlético de Madrid stadium, in which LG is once again Club sponsor for the next two seasons, extends to your interior and exterior, as well as the future projects of the City of Sport.
Custom Led technology
In addition to the Sky Ribbon as a flagship element of the stadium renovation, LG's collaboration with Atlético de Madrid covers more areas. Specifically, on the outside will be installed, in cylindrical concrete columns, four high-brightness circular LED screens and image quality to greet fans and visitors on arrival.
These outdoor LEDs have IP65 certified to withstand inclement weather and high brightness to show images of the club, Commercial information and messages with different light conditions. All the equipment has different Maintenance Systems for what, if necessary, the club's operators have easy access to them.
Crowning the door 34 of the stadium A screen will be installed LED, guy banner, of 45 m2, with a design that will integrate perfectly with the architecture of that area of the enclosure.
The LG experience too will spread into its interior. Like this, the Press Room of the club will have a Led screen with higher image quality, while the Changing room tunnel, Neuralgic point of the preview of the matches, will come to life with a new installation of Led panels that will cover the walls and the arch of exit to the field, immersing players in the passion of football from the moment they step onto the pitch.
All LG LED screens installed in the stadium have refresh rates greater than or equal to 3,840Hz to avoid any flicker in television broadcasts, offering a fluid and sharp image for both attendees and spectators following the game from home.
In addition, the Redundancy Controllers ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Led screens, thus ensuring an optimal visual experience at all times.
Shared values and passion
As Jaime de Jaraiz and Enrique Cerezo agreed in their presentation, "This alliance is going to Beyond a simple trade agreement. It is the union of two entities that share a same worldview, where technology and passion merge to create Extraordinary Experiences. Together, We will show that we share the values that inspire our philosophy Life's Good, that affirms that life can be wonderful, especially when it is lived with intensity and emotion".
With this objective, red-and-white and visiting fans will enjoy a Immersive sensory experience inside and outside the stadium thanks to the installation of more than 2.000 m2 of high-performance LED screens, custom designed by LG for this unique project.
In this way, will strengthen the Symphony of Light and Color of a venue that already has, since its inauguration, in 2017, with a 360º Ribbon Board in their stands, which made it the first football stadium in Spain to use this technology, as already analyzed by this daily, as well as four video scoreboards.
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• Section: OUTSTANDING, FEATURED Case Study, Digital signage, Display, Business, Dynamic advertising