St. Stephen Bose K-iman Church

The new sound system of this Spanish Renaissance monument is configured with the speaker ecosystem, Power Stages, control and processors Bose Professional, made up of K-magnet.

The San Esteban Church of Salamanca, Jewels of Spanish Renaissance art, It is one of the most important historical monuments of this Spanish city, visited annually by thousands of tourists and faithful, that has now been Its sound system has been revamped with the installation of the Bose Professional, brand marketed by the professional division of Gaplasa, integrated by the local company K-magnet.

St. Stephen Bose K-iman ChurchThis project presented a series of difficulties from the outset, derived fundamentally from the venue acoustics, a frequent problem in older churches that were not built to have audio systems, to which the aesthetic element was added, since the installation of the equipment had to be carried out without damaging or interfering with the artistic architecture of the temple.

The first phase of the project was Segment the church by zones, since the transept of the church and its main nave have Different acoustics and geometries, so they required a Differentiated audio signal processing. Added to this was the large space of the altar, so that the celebrants could hear and follow the worship services with total clarity.

St. Stephen Bose K-iman ChurchThe extensive ecosystem of Bose Professional products installed by K-iman, from power amplifiers and speakers to processors, integrate seamlessly to meet these requirements, especially to the Word intelligibility so that all the faithful have the same acoustic experience in any area of the temple.

The Excessive reverb -impossible to reduce with traditional public address- and that prevented the word from being understood with total clarity, "It has been significantly reduced, so that both adults and children not only listen to, but that they understand with total clarity what is being preached", says the statement made from this church.

St. Stephen Bose K-iman ChurchAlso The choruses, with specific lines of sound, "They have benefited from this modern installation, making the celebrations and their music shine brighter. In addition, There is a return to be able to Record the audio of the celebrations live, Streaming, to camera or external devices, technology that usually only audiences have. Now, everything sounds unified and everything is understood".

Specifically, as main speakers, it has been chosen to Bose MA-12, while the model has been installed on the altar AMU 105; The amplification corresponds to PowerShareX and DSP processing is done with ControlSpace EX1280, system-managed CC-64 from this manufacturer.

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By • 29 Nov, 2024
• Section: Audio, Case Studies, Control, Signal distribution