Epson at Kennesaw State University

The dance program at this higher education center leverages the capabilities of the EB-PU2216B laser projector Epson to transform the stage experience.

The dance theatre of the Kennesaw State University I wanted to create depth and dimension on stage, Offer an engaging stage experience. And, for this, has opted for Epson's laser projection technology.

The state-of-the-art theatre, located on the Marietta campus, hosts the largest undergraduate dance program in Georgia and integrates the projector Epson EB-PU2216B. A team of 16.000 lumens of color brightness (IDMS classification) and the same of white gloss (ISO rating) which has made it possible to transform a traditional stage into a dynamic space that allows visually impressive performances to be offered.

Theater lighting is crucial to setting the mood, improve the atmosphere and guide the public's journey, and each theatre has its own configuration.

Epson EB-PU2216B

"Live dance and theater projection goes beyond the traditional flat surface with a 16 aspect ratio×9”, explains Colby Nordberg, Kennesaw State University's Principal Theater Technician Department of Dance. “A menudo, the projection area is much higher or wider, and we often incorporate surrounding spaces, such as sidewalls and floors, to completely immerse the audience and elevate production".

Nordberg acquired the EB-PU2216B laser projector as a solution to simplify the theater's projection system.

"Before acquiring this new model, created a projection surface combined with three large projectors to cover the entire cyclorama (ciclorama). This setup was fragile and required constant maintenance to keep the alignment intact. EB-PU2216B has simplified our approach, while improving the quality of our screenings, making them significantly brighter".

Utilizing the entirety of the stage is essential to give dancers and actors the space they need to perfect their craft. "By combining the new projector with Epson's ultra-short throw lens, Performers can get much closer to the back wall and use stage space more effectively, without casting shadows or having to worry about the projector", Nordberg continues.

Kennesaw State University Dance Theatre

EB-PU2216B has become an essential tool as it offers advantages to engineers, artists and audiences by improving both technical aspects and visual performance. "The projector's internal mechanical shutter is incredibly valuable for theatrical applications", Nordberg stresses. "And the adjustable fade time control is perfect for smooth, seamless transitions".

In addition, Nordberg notes that laser light source technology is quiet, while fan noises can distract both the audience and the performers. What is a laser projector like?, no lamps that need to be replaced. The air-filterless projector and its laser light source make it a cost-effective solution and there are fewer worries about maintenance, a fundamental component since the projector is installed at the 7,6 meters in the air.

It also highlights that the high brightness of the EB-PU2216B has been a turning point in delivering crisp and vibrant images.

"It's very bright in our white cycle. Generalmente, The use of on-stage projection requires balance and communication between the lighting designer and the video designer, so as not to fade or obscure the images projected with the stage lights. Have a bright projector like this, together with expert designers, it means that fewer sacrifices must be made and the artistic vision can remain intact.".

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By • 5 Dec, 2024
• Section: Case Studies, OUTSTANDING, Formation, Projection