Telde promotes its carnival with augmented reality El cartel del Gran Carnaval de Telde 2013, to be held from the 5 to the 10 March, cobra este año vida gracias a un desarrollo de realidad aumentada diseñado por ...
Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC Improve Profitability with Cloud Video Envysion closes an agreement with the North American chain of restoration franchises Desert de Oro to install its monitoring systems based on cloud video and critical data in ...
First anaglyph 3D mapping in Mexico Starting from 2.5D compositions to complex 3D models, Visualma innovates in mapping and develops one of the first stereoscopic installations (with anaglyphs) en el mundo y la primera en ...
Casmar introduces the new camera 360 Panasonic grades belonging to the i-Pro HD Smart series With three models, this series features Mega Super Dynamic technology that offers a wider dynamic range (128X). Casmar has already begun to market the new cameras of 360 degrees of ...
Telefónica and SARquavitae will offer new generation telecare This innovative service will not only be limited to the management of alarms launched by the user in emergency situations, but is able to detect falls, controlar la posición ...
Epson enters installation hard Hans Dummer, Business Unit Owner Video Instruments EMEAR Epson, analyzes in this interview the market position of this manufacturer and its projection in markets such as installation and retail. Hans ...
New IAdea players combine the flexibility of HTML5 and the interoperability of SMIL IAdea XMP-2200/2300/2400 devices are ideal in points of sale and information panels of stations and airports. Diode, through its new Digital Signage division, just released as ...
Miquel Tresserras: “we are manufacturers of brushes for the artists and communicators of the future” El director de proyectos de Charmex Internacional cierra el ciclo de conferencias “Ilusión y Movimiento, de las sombras al film”, aludiendo a la convergencia tecnológica entre los sistemas de vídeo ...
Atomic3 creates an 'Iceberg' in Montreal’ interactive light and sound Montreal exhibits an installation where architecture, interactivity, Lighting and sound merge around the idea of an iceberg melting due to climate change. Partiendo del concepto que es innegable ...
Samsung begins countdown to Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 Tras el éxito de Londres 2012, la compañía coreana quiere hacer de Sochi 2014 el evento más innovador y accesible de la historia de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno Como partner ...
Jamie Lidell uses interactive videomapping in his new and spectacular video clip London-based creative studio Flat-e achieves, Thanks to videomapping, Dispense with effects in post-production and leave in the hands of the artist the control of the entire projection. For his new music video You ...
Remote medical teletraining with the help of Vaddio PTZ Dr. Brandon Winchester teaches his new method of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia to doctors around the world thanks to Vaddio's PTZ cameras and a distribution ...
@sLAN 2013 "Cloud&Network Future" will bring together 150 speakers and 4.000 Visitors Organized the Association of Network Providers, Internet and Telecommunications, @sLAN will be held at IFEMA (Madrid) the next few days 10 and 11 April. Starting from a renewed format and with ...
David Griffiths: “R&D investment, reliability and closeness to the customer, make a difference in Christie” David Griffiths, Market Development Manager Control Rooms Christie EMEA, makes a review in this interview within the framework of ISE 2013 to some of its latest proposals for ...
Panasonic and Fujitsu join forces in the semiconductor market Ante las deterioradas condiciones del mercado y el auge de los fabricantes asiáticos , Fujitsu y Panasonic unen sus fuerzas en el negocio de los semiconductores. De cara a hacer frente ...
Sony organizes a roadshow of displays focused on the education sectors, Corporate and Retail of the 26 from February to 12 March, Sony presenta todas sus novedades en proyectores y monitores de gran formato para los sectores de la educación, la empresa y el ...
Lilin already has in the market with its new motorized domes IP 22X HD The new IPS6228M motorized domes have an HD MOS image sensor 1.3 Megapixels with backlight compensation. Lilin's new IPS6228M motorized domes are now available offering new ...
JVC turns any iPhone or iPad into a remote control of D-ILA projectors La interfaz intuitiva facilita el acceso a configuración de imagen, lente, y parámetros 3D, así como otros controles y características exclusivas que no se encuentran en los mandos a distancia ...
Teracue distributes via IP almost a hundred TV and radio signals at Frankfurt Airport Esta instalación demuestra que una red inteligente IPTV no sólo es válida para distribuir señales de radio y televisión para entretenimiento, sino también para hacer llegar de forma inmediata, and ...
The Ulm Theatre expands its intercom system with Riedel The main scenic enclosure in Ulm (Germany) Deploy a wireless digital intercom system, integrating it with your existing radio system, Configuring a scalable and flexible solution. El Teatro de ...