Arthur Holm responds to the requirements of the new headquarters of M&G Investments DB2 motorized retractable monitors have been incorporated into the meeting table design, forming a whole integrated with the furniture. M&G Investments London has opted for the technology of ...
Vexia HD1000: 'all-in-one' camera for telecommuting and small meeting rooms This equipment offers resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels, as well as optimal sound, thanks to the two omnidirectional microphones and the two hi-fi speakers. Vexia, The technological brand of ...
AG Neovo TBX: digital signage screens for vehicles Disponibles con certificación E-Mark, resolución Full HD y un tamaño de 22 Inch, ofrecen un sistema inteligente de información para pasajeros, además de poder ser utilizadas en aplicaciones de videovigilancia ...
Las soluciones de colaboración de Biamp han sido certificadas para funcionar con Zoom Ofrecen experiencias audiovisuales para espacios de reunión de todos los tamaños, and, now, pueden ser utilizadas con el software Zoom y las Zoom Rooms. Las soluciones para salas de conferencias de ...
Absen's Led technology helps modernize Bangalore's train stations Como parte del proyecto RDN, se ha instalado en la entrada principal de la División de Bangalore de South Western Railway una pantalla XD6 Plus de 24,3x3 metros y otra ...
Yamaha garantiza la confidencialidad del paciente en las consultas médicas En el centro de salud holandés de Huisartsenpraktijk Maasoever se ha instalado un sistema de audio que consigue que las conversaciones entre médico y paciente no sean escuchadas por nadie ...
Net2phone Huddle: new concept of virtual meetings and videoconferencing Among the features offered by this solution is its availability in 30 allow audio control of the moderator and participant. Net2phone Huddle es una solución ...
Zenia Boulevard mall is digitized with Led solutions&go In the main square, an outdoor LED screen has been installed 27 square meters, a pitch of P10 mm and a resolution of 704x384 pixels. A visual support in the ...
La tecnología de audio de Bose se integra en el restaurante noruego de Ostehuset Los altavoces RoomMatch y EdgeMax brindan la cobertura e inteligibilidad de sonido que se precisaba en sus múltiples espacios, tanto para los clientes del restaurante a la hora del almuerzo ...
Matrox offers HDCP compatibility through its Mura controller 3.04 This functionality allows OEMs and integrators to capture, display and scale AV content in a wide range of video wall applications in control rooms, government facilities, signalling environments ...
Panasonic, WolfVision join forces in a unified wireless collaboration solution The Byod Cynap Pure solution has been integrated into the SQ1 range of screens, using the Intel SDM slot to provide a cable-free presentation tool, nor ...
Brainstorm augmented reality participates in the inauguration of the Rafa Nadal Academy in Kuwait The act was broadcast live and for its realization Mena used the Aston tool with which he generated the augmented reality scenes, in combination with InfinitySet, and ...
Obsidian NX Sync: USB time code device SMPTE plug and play this computer captures the timecode in various smpte formats and converts it to a midi timecode stream (MTC), where it can be read on Onyx or any ...
Prysm expands its 6K LPD line with a model of 225 Inch This new interactive touch screen, without bezels or seams, offers 6K resolution and a contrast ratio 1.000.000:1. Una solución de gran formato idónea para utilizar en salas de reunión ...
Plain Concepts collaborates with Microsoft to develop Virtual Stage These virtual scenarios, used in Microsoft Build 2020, have been designed with Speaker Recorder App, that allows you to record a conference using one or two Azure Kinect devices, and Background Matting, ...
Symetrix controls AV experience at Oregon dental clinic In the office Deschutes Pediatric Dentistry has opted for a DSP Edge to manage the infrastructure of the 12 Patient stations, integrated by a 32" LG screen, ...
Philips 242B1V MMD: for a safe and productive professional environment Este equipo busca la máxima protección del contenido de la pantalla y evita la intrusión visual en el espacio de trabajo, al tiempo que ofrece imágenes con resolución Full HD, ...
Digital Projection provides Led technology to historic Fort Smith establishment In this city is the 906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge, a sophisticated bar where new trends merge with classic American heritage. Proof of this is the ...
Mana's 'Scratching the Sun' Tour’ used Avolites technology to recall the 1990s The staging showed a visual spectacle where PAR and conventional lights were combined to create a vintage look. To this were added automatic Led screens of ...
Avalue RiVar: dual-screen touch AIO POS terminal This versatile and modular all-in-one terminal is designed with a PC, fanless, Intel Celeron Apollo Lake and Dual Full HD TouchScreen 15,6 Inch. Avalue Technology has ...