The Belgian CC theatre in Warandepoort will reopen its doors with Elation Fuze These moving heads were acquired shortly before the pandemic forced the theatre to close. When it opens they will be used, normally, as an effect and backlight, and in ...
Arec DS-4CU improves the recording and streaming of debates and meetings Cuando se combina esta estación de seguimiento de oradores con un sistema de micrófonos para conferencias y cámaras PTZ, permite que estas últimas rastreen y enfoquen a la persona que ...
Instronic gives its own AV identity to the Rosa Center shopping center The installed multimedia elements have been integrated into the architecture of the building, as a spectacular double-sided totem pole and 40 metros cuadrados o la pantalla Led que cubre toda ...
Pinsent Masons shows the benefits of laser projection at its London headquarters This law firm has renovated the lobby and created a projection structure, Based on stacking and edge-blending combination, with multiple laser equipment of the series ...
Genelec sound adapts to the aesthetics of the Swedish hotel The Mill Se han seleccionado diferentes modelos de altavoces de instalación de la serie 4000, que se han personalizado para adaptarse al tamaño y color de cada habitación. Para controlar la infraestructura ...
The Hefei People's Court modernizes its meeting room with dnp The Supernova Infinity display of 150 inches has been installed on the back wall of the main meeting room. A project that has been completed with a projector ...
MCR distributes audiovisual solutions for Panasonic professional environments A través de su división MCR Pro, comercializará su gama completa de proyectores profesionales. Una oferta que se segmenta en cuatro categorías: Sistemas, Instalación, Portátil y Ultracorta. MCR ha anunciado un ...
Beabloo Interaction Care: minimizes the risk of Covid-19 contagion in physical spaces Esta solución tecnológica está integrada por cartelería digital, thermal cameras, sensores y el gestor de contenidos de la compañía. Su objetivo es mapear los espacios físicos para garantizar la distancia ...
Avixa announces the finalists of the AV Experience Awards Estos galardones reconocen a los mejores proyectos internacionales de integración AV en seis categorías de experiencias audiovisuales. Los ganadores se anunciarán el próximo 16 de junio durante el evento InfoComm ...
Kramer KR-3000 makes it easy to remotely connect to any meeting space This collaboration solution enables the integration of other platforms or meeting applications such as Zoom, BlueJeans or Microsoft Teams. Kramer@Work KR-3000 es un sistema de colaboración que facilita la conexión ...
Datapath Names Howard Ford President of company With a strong track record in the technology sector, this appointment completes a series of new additions to the company's team following the announcement of David Griffiths, as vice president of ...
Absen GS series: Led display for DooH advertising applications Designed for advertising companies, system integrators and project contractors, offered with a wide range of pixel pitch options, ranging from 3 and 16 Mm. one ...
Arec's streaming solutions make religious celebrations easier during lockdown Carrying out religious celebrations in a traditional way is complicated by quarantine restrictions, caused by Covid-19. Una parroquia de Monterrey decidió transmitir la misa por ...
Panasonic and IED Barcelona create a space to experiment with reality The XR LAB powered by Panasonic was born as a meeting point where to experiment with new visual formats (Virtual reality, Augmented and Mixed), and will include four workstations, ...
Madrid exchangers host sustainable advertising through Led technology LED&Go and ISC have installed in each of the interchanges of Avenida América, Plaza Castilla and Príncipe Pío a screen of six square meters, with a resolution of 768×512 ...
Atlona OME-EX-KIT-LT responds to the needs of collaboration in workspaces Este extensor 4K/UHD HDMI y USB de la serie Omega combina simplicidad y versatilidad a un precio asequible. Sus capacidades de interfaz y extensión USB 2.0 lo hacen idóneo para ...
Pratibha Advertising agency manages its outdoor advertising business with Edge1 This solution allows you to manage, under a unified platform, Your Entire Outdoor Media Inventory, Leads, Campaigns, Operations & Finance. The Bihar-based agency (India) Pratibha Advertising has ...
The WTD 81 renews the visual configuration of its dome with Digital Projection Forty-one Highlite Laser WUXGA 3D equipment has been chosen as part of the renovation that has been made of the projection system of one of the largest domes ...
Sono assists IESE in developing its online training sessions Con objeto de facilitar la disponibilidad de contenidos lectivos durante estas semanas de confinamiento, que está viviendo el país por causa del coronavirus, este centro docente ha puesto en marcha ...
Bose begins marketing soundComm B40 headset in Europe This solution, idónea para utilizar en directos y eventos deportivos, destaca por claridad de audio, cancelación de ruido, durabilidad y la comodidad que ofrecen. Bose Professional ha comenzado a distribuir en ...