Beabloo Minerva offers 'content on demand'’ In digital signage environments This artificial intelligence engine learns from audience preferences, Demographics, Sales & Inventory; and, With this information, It allows you to manage the content and display the most appropriate one ...
ViewSonic attends SIMO Education 2019 to bring interactivity to the classroom Collaborate, connect, create... these are the premises that define the touch screens that are occupying a leading place in their stand, the ViewBoard IFP50 series, and that are accompanied ...
Shure Microflex Delivers Five-Star AV Conferencing to Event Hotels The meeting room at its corporate headquarters has been equipped with the Microflex Complete Wireless system, made up of 16 MXCW640, each equipped with a MXC420DF/C condenser microphone for ...
Sharp incorporates into its 8K line the screen of 80 inches 8M-B80AX1E Este modelo ofrece una resolución de 7.680x4.320 píxeles en una relación de aspecto de 16:9 y un brillo de hasta 4.000 cd/m2. Una solución idónea para utilizar en sectores que ...
I3 Technologies turns spaces into collaborative environments with its i3Sixty swivel screen This 'all-in-one' mobile screen and capacitive touch, that is being shown in SIMO Education 2019, offers a rotation of 90º and incorporates camera and microphone, to adapt to ...
LG presents the Led All-in-One screen of 130 inches with built-in video conferencing This solution adapts to any environment and need thanks to its optimal audio and image quality. With its thin frame design, lack of beveling, ofrece un formato ...
Genelec celebrates its 40 anniversary with limited edition of the monitor 8341 Este monitor coaxial de tres vías ha sido diseñado para la ocasión en color 'sapphire blue' y se comercializa con un kit GLM completo. Genelec ha presentado una edición especial de ...
Econocom Products&Solutions provides AV equipment to Smy Hotel Costa del Sol The rooms have been equipped with 650 LG large-format SmartTV and Vogels stands; while in the common areas it has opted for Ultrastrech screens of ...
San Antonio College relies on Extron for av infrastructure of its flagship building Its solutions have allowed to respond to the requirements of each room, where a high-performance AV system was required, that will support a variety of video formats, What ...
Alqvimia is introduced in the digital signage of the hand of Waapiti The establishment located in the center of Madrid has become the first store of the brand that has opted for digital signage. En este se ha instalado ...
Asean counted on Bosch for the development of the summit of political leaders in Singapore To meet the requirements of the different meeting rooms were installed 31 Dicentis discussion units with touch screen, 36 wireless discussion devices and 33 units of ...
Sony will attend Medica 2019 with the most innovative technology for hospital efficiency En la feria mostrará los tres flujos de trabajo de imágenes disponibles en los quirófanos, desde la captura y visualización de imágenes hasta la grabación y la documentación. Sony acudirá a ...
Christie projectors help display the high-precision mapping of the Global Shift In the exhibition held at the Ars Electronica Center, two 4K7-HS projectors have been used, five Captiva DHD410 and one 4K10-HS. To these are added three LCD laser equipment LWU650-APS. the ...
Madrid's local entertainment Alboroto makes a difference with a Yamaha sound system Se ha instalado un sistema CIS con dos zonas definidas con precisión. Una cubre las barras, que están más cerca de la entrada, programadas para ofrecer un sonido de alta ...
Elo expands its range of 4K solutions with the new interactive screen 5553L Este display táctil de 55 Inch, junto con la nueva cámara de conferencias de Elo, se presenta como una óptima solución de videoconferencia y colaboración corporativa. likewise, también es idónea ...
The 4K-HDR World Summit in Malaga publishes the agenda of its fifth edition In total they will be 25 presentations and 4 panels that will take place at the event. Reports will be offered, proposals and visions on this new technology, that for three days brings together ...
Datapath bets on the creative videowall with the version 2.2.0 of Wall Designer With the new edge update offered by this version, the fx4 driver can be used to scale any content area and adapt it to almost any type of display ...
Tripleplay integrates social networks in its digital signage solution Esta característica, que permitirá mostrar contenido de Twitter y Yammer, estará disponible con el lanzamiento de la versión 3 del software Caveman. Para dar respuesta a la demanda de sus clientes, ...
The Led and LCD technology of Leyard and Planar give life to the small museum of the Empire State Building The exhibition, integrated by a collection of immersive exhibitions, as the Construction Gallery, King Kong or the Otis elevators, transport visitors to the origins of the iconic ...
Broadsign and Adquick team up to deliver Dooh campaigns based on audience data Both companies have partnered to integrate the AdQuick platform with Broadsign Reach SSP. This partnership allows us to take the Dooh campaign to more than 46.000 Programmable-enabled digital displays. Broadsign ...