Meyer Sound and Digico accompanied trap fans in 'Canary Islands Dance' La producción de este festival, celebrado este verano en Gran Canaria y Tenerife, it featured 80.000 vatios de sonido, proporcionados por la familia LEO de Meyer Sound, y las consolas ...
Avila Space launches interactive coworking platform helped by Partteam & Oemkiosks En el espacio denominado Business Lounge se ha instalado el quiosco Avila, un modelo dotado de una pantalla de 22 pulgadas donde es posible consultar el perfil y contactar con ...
Bose Sound Opens New Possibilities to the Performing Arts Center The modernization of a new sound system, based on the RoomMatch solution, has allowed the facilities of Arcadia Highschool to be used as a presentation venue and teaching venue. El Performing ...
Aopen cTile 22: Chrome touch screen for digital kiosks This all-in-one commercial-grade solution from 22 is designed to use 24/7 in a wide variety of self-service kiosk applications. Aopen has incorporated into its ...
EET Europarts completes its ProAV product range with Optoma El mayorista amplía su catálogo de la división Pro AV con los videoproyectores, Screens, accessories, monitores interactivos y Led Display del fabricante. EET Europarts ha firmado un acuerdo con Optoma para ...
VuWall and LG join their technologies to optimize videowall solutions in control rooms The integration of these technologies allows you to manage LG 55SVH7F screens remotely, using the VuWall scripting tool, with VuScape controllers. VuWall has partnered with LG ...
NEC PA703UL: LCD laser projector with sealed optical engine El nuevo equipo ha sido diseñado libre de filtros y con características que hacen que tenga un mantenimiento cero y bajo costes de operación. NEC Display Solutions Europe ha presentado su ...
Genelec Aural ID redefine el uso de auriculares para la escucha y monitorización de referencia de audio Este software funciona mediante la adquisición de los atributos acústicos de cada persona para crear un modelado detallado de sus características anatómicas que afectan a la audición. Esto permite la ...
DPA changes the landscape of live performances with the microphone 2028 This handheld vocal model doesn't need an equalizer to make it sound like you're listening to the performance next to the singer.. Esto permite afinar la voz como si no se ...
Dataton makes possible the spectacular projection made in the world's largest sculptural bust To carry out this project on the statue of Adiyogi, The Watchout mapping software and Dataton's Watchmax media servers have been used., as well as 24 laser projectors ...
New England's largest cathedral renews its sound system with Symetrix The project carried out in the cathedral of Santa Cruz has included a new Led lighting and a complex sound system with Symetrix signal processors in its ...
Ocean installs a full-motion, large-format display at Kensington Arcade Configured in landscape format, mide 5,5x2 metros y se encuentra ubicada en la salida del centro comercial, opposite High Street Kensington tube station, por la que pasan ...
DiGiCo A168 Stage: audio interface for stage This rack incorporates sixteen Mic/Line inputs with XLR connectors controlled by remotely controlled preamplifiers and two A3232 connections, adjacent to a mode selector. DiGiCo, marca que comercializa RMS Pro ...
YCD Multimedia's digital signage software is compatible with BrightSign players Con esta nueva capacidad, y utilizando el sistema de gestión de señalización digital YCD Ramp, cualquier cliente minorista puede reproducir y controlar su contenido en pantallas alimentadas por un reproductor ...
Datapath incorporates KVM functions into its WallControl software 10 The latest version of this video management tool, the 1.9, includes web interface capability, KVM control for connected PCs and advanced website management. Datapath ha añadido ...
Elo launches a line of Google Play certified interactive displays The company has incorporated Android into its solutions 3.0 Google Play services, enabling businesses to create an optimal experience for the point of sale and signage ...
Philips Q-Line displays transform meeting rooms into art galleries Meet in Place rental rooms offer a new concept of collaboration. In its spaces have been installed screens Q-Line 65BDL3050Q, diseñadas con marcos hechos a medida ...
ViewSonic joins the Google for Education ecosystem with myViewBoard Classroom As a Google for Education partner, myViewBoard Classroom joins this educational environment composed of technologies, certified tools and educators. ViewSonic's myViewBoard Classroom platform has obtained ...
Christie reaffirms its launch into the AV market in Mexico Dado que se trata de una región donde la demanda de soluciones Pro AV, visualización y salas de control no deja de aumentar, Christie ha reforzado su apuesta por este ...
Panama celebrates its fifth centenary with large-scale mapping Acciona APD ha sido la empresa encargada de realizar el diseño, producción y montaje de este espectáculo, que se ha realizado sobre una escultura de 4x7 metros y se utiliza ...