Finland's largest bookstore installs in its stores near 200 Genelec speakers 4000 Suomalainen Kirjakauppa ha apostado por el modelo 4030C para instalar en más de una veintena de tiendas que tiene repartidas por todo el país. El objetivo que se buscaba era ...
Maverick AV is positioned in the interactive solutions market with Promethean panels So far this year, el mayorista ha duplicado el número de paneles interactivos distribuidos, surpassing the 2.500 units, desde que comenzará su colaboración con Promethean en 2010. The division ...
Signagelive becomes the nerve center of Ambassador Theatre's digital signage network This network has begun to be implemented in the Alexandra theatre in Birmingham and has opted for the Sgnagelive platform, Since it is a scalable solution that allows you to upgrade ...
Sharp brings its line of Aquos Board displays to the 4K collaboration environment Esta gama ha sido ampliada con tres nuevos modelos de 65 (PN-L651H), 75 (PN-L751H) and 85 Inch (PN-L851H). Unos equipos diseñados con panel LCD táctil de 20 toques que incorporan ...
Stanford University renews its sports centers with Meyer Sound In a first phase, the facilities of Stanford Stadium have been updated, the Avery Aquatic Center and boyd and Jill Smith Family Stadium. A total of 85 speakers ...
Philips PDS integrates the GoBright room management platform into its screens El acuerdo realizado por estas dos empresas permitirá mejorar las funciones de gestión para salas de reunión de las pantallas de Philips, en concreto del modelo multitáctil 10BDL3051T. Philips Professional Display ...
Sermicro provides Pizza Hut Spain with a MenuBoard solution The project consists of integrating a digital signage solution for restoration in the 170 stores that the company has nationwide, taking care of the consultancy, ...
The sports center of Pisuerga bets on Led technology with Mondo Ibérica En este pabellón multiusos se han instalado pantallas Led P6, localizadas en las esquinas, que reemplazan los anteriores dispositivos electrónicos. In addition, los cubos digitales de las canastas se han sustituido ...
ClearOne fosters collaboration among the English community of physicists En la nueva sede del Instituto de Física en Londres, se han utilizado los sistemas de microfonía inalámbricos WS800 y las cámaras PTZ Unite 200 en el auditorio y la ...
Oppo makes the official presentation of its new mobile Reno FC Barcelona Edition with Sono The audiovisual coverage of the presentation of this new limited edition mobile, which was held at the Camp Nou, has been run by Sono. On stage ...
Panasonic technology participates in 'One Year to Go ceremony’ Tokyo 2020 At the event, which inaugurated the celebrations of the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020, tuvo lugar un espectáculo de vídeo en el que se utilizó la tecnología de mapeo de ...
The hospitality market bets on Audac for its sound infrastructures From one end of the country to the other, different hotels have incorporated Audac equipment for the modernization of their facilities. The latest ones have been the NOA of Oleiros and SB ...
Kramer's electronics ensure the broadcast of content on the iconic screen of Callao The VS-3232DN multi-format digital matrix, configured with 32 entries and 32 DVI-D video outputs, Enables reliable signal output. On the façade of building number 5 of the ...
Elo screens help launch Fitting Room: a fusion of physical and digital store The initiative was launched by Swedish firms Touchtech and Versiteit to showcase, in a real scenario, The benefits of combining in-store sales ...
Vogel's strengthens its brand positioning in Germany with the purchase of Schnepel For more than 40 years, Schnepel ha actuado como distribuidor de Vogel’s y, now, pasará a formar parte del grupo y actuará bajo el nombre de Vogel’s Deutschland. Vogel’s ha anunciado ...
Optoma enters the rental market of Led screens with QuadShow Este sistema ‘todo en uno’ facilita la elevación, transporte y montaje motorizado de la pantalla Led Full Hd de 130 pulgadas FHD130. El soporte cuenta con ajuste de altura además ...
ETC brings Led lighting to the Studio 13 of RTVE In this set have been installed 25 Units of the Source Four Led Daylight HD Series 2, with which they have been included 25 Source Four Led Fresnel Adapters and 25 ...
Apart and Community speakers offer the optimal solution to Zabok Sports Hall The system installed in this Croatian sports center is integrated by the speakers Apart CM6E, OVO5TW and OVO8TW, as well as Community R.35-3896. Esto se completa con el mezclador Yamaha ...
Tripleplay installs its digital signage solutions at the Coca-Cola Arena in Dubai In this stadium covered with 152.400 square meters have been installed more than 200 Tripleplay Digital Signage and IPTV Solution Endpoints. Coca-Cola Arena is a stadium ...
Acciona returns to take charge of the audiovisual and pyrotechnic show of the 'Fires of the Apostle' For this show, que rendirá homenaje a las mujeres compostelanas, se emplearán nueve proyectores de 22.000 lumens each, 28 cabezas robotizadas y 20 focos estáticos de iluminación, as well as ...