Maestra Group opens office in Barcelona to expand its business in Europe The new office will have a multilingual team of seven professionals, Specialized in live events, who will work in all departments, desde la gestión de proyectos hasta el diseño ...
Bose ArenaMatch speakers optimize audio experience at Ascot races Como proveedor oficial de sonido de este hipódromo, ha suministrado un avanzado sistema de amplificación y altavoces que permite ofrecer una gran claridad y consistencia vocal, así como un audio ...
NEC Display screens help establish the 'restaurant of the future' at McDonald's Germany The more than 1.500 Establishments in the country are being renovated and LCD screens, of 40 and 46 NEC Display inches, tienen un papel clave en ...
TMB updates the indoor screen of Plaza España and reduces its pitch to 5 Mm Tras casi ocho años en funcionamiento, se ha renovado la pantalla de la estación de Plaza España de la Ciudad Condal. Se ha conservado su estructura y dimensiones (7,62 m2), ...
Sheikh Zayed Mosque lights up with Martin's equipment To overcome the challenge of equipping the curved surfaces of the dome of this spectacular building located in Abu Dhabi, have been installed 2.556 PixLine outdoor luminaires 10. Martin Professional Middle ...
Philips PDS and Crestron create AVoIP displays with DM-NVX In collaboration with Intel they have developed the NETWORK ENCODER DM-NVX-D80-IoAV. This converts Philips PDS large format displays into Crestron solutions, y permite que el vídeo y ...
Audac makes it easy to mount Atheist speakers with Clevermount With this innovation, The speaker can be placed horizontally or vertically easily, allowing tilt in all directions. Ateo es una familia de altavoces para montaje en pared ...
Zytronic technology helps inform travelers at Japanese bus stations In the bus stations of Kintetsu Nara and JR Nara, large-format digital signage kiosks have been installed. Estos utilizan controladores táctiles Zyfilm y ZXY100 para proporcionar ...
Malaga Observatory to analyze advances in VR/AR in television media Atresmedia, TVE and Televisió de Catalunya, together with leading companies such as Brainstorm, share experiences in the field of virtual and augmented reality. The Observatory of New Technologies, what will you have ...
The Vivint Smart Home Arena renews its AV infrastructure with Extron The renovation has had significant AV improvements that include more than 600 Digital signage displays and major changes in multimedia experiences in clubs and suites. For your ...
Have the lamp projector lights been turned off?? Panasonic ha apostado por la tecnología láser para su gama de proyectores de alto brillo. En esta columna Thomas Vertommen, director europeo de productos de la compañía, explica las ventajas ...
Ingram Micro opens online registration to the Symposium 2019 The wholesaler has just opened the registration to this reference event of the IT channel, enabled through your website. From September, también podrá ...
The professional audiovisual market will reach 325.000 millions in 2024 According to the latest IOTA report, in 2019 Asia-Pacific market will outperform that of America, with an income of 90,6 billion vs. 89.000 Million. This difference can reach ...
Telefonica and Miss Caffeina take music to unexplored places using virtual reality In collaboration with the startup YBVR, Telefónica and Miss Caffeina have developed Music at the Edge, an innovative immersive experience that combines video 360 with Edge Computing technology. Telephone ...
Bingo Roma sets its sights on digital natives with a new visual infrastructure Con la ayuda de Led&Go ha instado tres nuevas pantallas indoor con un pitch P2,6 mm. Una en formato 16:9 en recepción, otra en la sala de control y la ...
The Crux brewery expands its facilities with a network sound system from Symetrix This quaint Oregon property has added a new space for live outdoor concerts and an indoor dining room with patio.. To get an audio system of ...
Shuttle presents its all-in-one PC with the largest screen El P90U es un modelo sin ventilador que incorpora una pantalla multitáctil de 19,5", protegida contra salpicaduras. Está disponible con procesador Intel Celeron, Core i3 e i5. Shuttle completa su línea ...
Tech Data markets Toshiba's internal storage offering With this agreement, Tech Data customers will have access to MG08 Enterprise Series Hard Drive. This series, with a capacity to 16 tb, includes the CMR-type HDD. the ...
Panasonic projection helps entertain travelers aboard celebrity Edge In order to create spectacular scenery in the Oculus theater, spectacular scenery has been installed 16 laser projectors 20.000 PT-RZ21K lumens. These allow you to display images in 10 Giant widescreen displays, 8 of ...
DAS Audio smiles and gives personality to the gym RE Formatas This Lithuanian training center has installed the compact and lightweight Altea 412A and 712A systems, and Action 8A and 12A, así como los subwoofers Vantec 18A para el área ...