LED&Go renews the digital signage of the Plaza España metro station in Barcelona On the screen 7,62 square meters, installed in this subway station, The structure has been preserved but the technology has been updated, Adjusting the pixel pitch to 5 ...
Atlona's OME kit extender enables effective Byod meetings Earpro explica los beneficios de este extensor de Atlona, un dispositivo idóneo para cualquier sala de reunión que quiera sumarse a la tendencia Byod. La tendencia tecnológica Byod (Bring Your Own ...
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings begins operating as an independent company Led by its CEO, William Eccleshare, This holding, integrated by Clear Channel International and Clear Channel Outdoor Americas, will operate with its own board of directors and will be listed on the Stock Exchange ...
Dublin Convention Centre's AV offering is based on Panasonic technology Las salas de conferencias se han equipado con proyectores láser PT-RZ570 y PT-RZ970; mientras que los espacios de eventos disponen de proyectores de lámparas de 3.500, 20.000 and 13.000 Lumens. ...
Stonex completes its portfolio with Sixty82 structural solutions The company, especializada en integrar sistemas de control e iluminación, se ha convertido en distribuidor para España de Sixty82, que centra su actividad en el desarrollo de productos de rigging ...
Robe T1 Profile: the ultimate lighting for theatre and television Functions such as high CRI, the L3 dimmer system, su operatividad extremadamente silenciosa o el motor led MSL de 550W son algunas de las características que lo convierten en ...
Harman delivers quality sound to luxurious Novotel Yangon Max In the areas dedicated to events, a sound infrastructure integrated by JBL speakers has been installed, Crown amplifiers, AKG microphones and the table ...
Northwestern University chooses Vitec for its digital signage infrastructure La solución EZ TV IPTV & Digital Signage para instalaciones deportivas alimenta las pantallas del estadio con imágenes de alta calidad y baja latencia, al tiempo que permite incrementar las ...
Absen helps unite devotion and technology to captivate parishioners In the new headquarters of the church of Action Church has been installed a videowall and several columns, designed with Polaris Absen Led screens 3,9 Mm, as well as a ...
Mutua Madrid Open incorporates augmented reality in tennis tournaments From Oracle, ha creado una 'Zona de realidad aumentada' que ofrece a los aficionados información sobre servicios, statistics and development of meetings. Mutua Madrid Open, one of ...
Extron SB 33 to: barra de sonido de ancho ajustable para espacios de colaboración Este equipo está disponible en cuatro versiones, cada una con un rango de ajuste de 228,6 mm para crear un aspecto personalizado con pantallas de entre 46 and 80 Inch. Extron ...
Houston Museum of Natural Science Uses Vivitek Laser Projection for Cartographic Exhibition Energy City es la nueva experiencia que se puede ver en la exposición Wiess Energy Hall, donde se muestra un paisaje en 3D de la ciudad de Houston. For your ...
Virtualware starts the promotion in Europe of its Viroo solution The VRX Europe immersive technologies event 2019, held in Amsterdam, has been the stage to show the characteristics of your solution to more than 300 present. Virtualware has started the ...
TVP bets on Led technology to renew the display systems of its studios in Cortaillod At the heart of the new DVT studios have been installed 62 m² of panels Led N3 of Absen to form the impressive videowall that is shown in the background. ...
Lifesize provides Habitat with an end-to-end video conferencing solution The promoter has installed a videoconferencing solution based on Lifesize Icon and Cloud systems. With this infrastructure, employees can initiate immediate communication from any device, living room ...
Elation Artiste Van Gogh: Led wash luminaire for avant-garde installations This moving head with internal frame stands out for offering high quality color reproduction. Features a CMY and CTO color mixing case, together with a ...
Broadsign acquires solutions company OOH Ayuda Media Systems This is the first purchase made by the company in its 15 years of history. An operation that will allow you to incorporate into your DooH marketing platform the ...
Radial DiNET DAN: analog audio via Dante or AES67 The DAN-TX2 transmitter and the DinNET DAN-RX2 receiver are two solutions that allow you to send and receive two channels of analog audio, via a Dante or AES67 digital network, ...
IFEMA and DES sign an alliance to turn Madrid into the world capital of digital enterprise The Community and the City Council of Madrid promote the celebration of DES2019 as a reference event for the technology sector. likewise, It has also been announced that IFEMA Lab will present during ...
Artist Xu Bing shows for the first time in Spain his universal language aided by Vitelsa The exhibition of the Chinese artist Art for the People has been held at the Centre del Carme in Valencia. Vitelsa has been responsible for the staging of the equipment ...