The Official Stores Real Madrid digitize their T-shirt pick up system with TMTFactory The Catalan company has been responsible for integrating and installing the new order management system and shirt printing in the remodeled flagship store of Real Madrid ...
AMX CT Series allows you to share content from any device in meeting rooms Los kits de Conectividad y Transporte de AMX son una solución 4K60 4:4:4 con conmutación automática, escalado y transporte a distancia que incluye tanto el transmisor como el receptor. The series ...
Sharp paves the way for the transition of the 2K to 4K industry En su asistencia a la feria DSE de Las Vegas, Sharp ha recreado un espacio expositivo donde mostrar lo más innovador de su ecosistema 8K y su primera pantalla de ...
LED&Go plays with architecture to integrate LED technology into the Cofidis Theatre This historic building has updated its façade with the installation of three LED screens of 7,25 square meters and a pixel pitch of 3,9 Mm. In order to capture attention ...
Kramer TP-752T and TP-752R: HDMI 1080p extenders for long distances Este transmisor y receptor permiten llevar la señal a una distancia de hasta 60 metros utilizando cualquier cable de dos hilos. Unas soluciones idóneas para utilizar en grandes superficies como ...
AOpen Chromebox Commercial 2: fanless player for 4K With a slim design, compact and dust resistant, this media player can power two monitors 4K to 30 fps and a 4K monitor to 60 Fps ...
B-Tech strengthens its presence in the professional AV market with Mode-AL The acquisition of Mode-AL will allow it to expand its offer of mounting solutions for digital signage screens, Broadcast, collaboration, high-end retail and AV sector. B-Tech AV Mounts has ...
Maverick AV Solutions completes its offer for education with Barco wePresent Idónea para entornos Byod y educativos, wePresent permite conectar hasta 64 usuarios para compartir su contenido desde cualquier dispositivo para presentar, interactuar y colaborar. Tras su presentación en Metic 2019 the ...
Wildbytes Gleam ONE AI mirror lands at Sephora Under the name Beauty Mirror, this development can be seen in the new Sephora store in Madrid to interact with customers and recommend tailor-made products. The Spanish agency ...
NEC V554Q: 4K UHD display 55 inches for digital signage Con un diseño delgado y robusto, la nueva pantalla de gran formato de la serie V incorpora revestimiento antirreflejo de alta opacidad, amplias capacidades de conectividad y soporte de orientación ...
Christie will exhibit at Prolight+Sound 2019 its most powerful solutions for live events A la edición de este año acudirá con su más innovadora tecnología de proyección, visualization and processing, representada por los paneles MicroTiles Led, el servidor multimedia Pandoras Box, the processor ...
El Aeropuerto de Londres Luton amplía su infraestructura de digital signage con Absen Como parte de su proyecto de renovación se han instalado dos pantallas Led, configuradas con paneles Absen N4, que son utilizadas como soporte de información de vuelos y servicios del ...
Sony amplía su línea de monitores quirúrgicos 4K con dos modelos de 27 Inch Los monitores LMD-X2705MD y el LMD-X2700MD son una buena opción para cualquier hospital en plena implantación de un flujo de trabajo integral de imágenes quirúrgicas 4K o que se esté ...
Extron and Dolby Streamline Meeting Room Collaboration Las soluciones de salas de Extron se han extendido al teléfono de conferencias de Dolby, proporcionando un control AV y de conferencias completo para espacios de reuniones. Extron ha extendido sus ...
Otto Beisheim Business School Creates Learning Space Connected to Panasonic and Crestron A Panopto server has been installed in your learning center for conference recording, a Crestron control system and Panasonic AV technology, made up of ...
iBase SW-101-N: IP68 digital signage player for outdoor applications This rugged fanless digital signage player offers high compatibility with various HDMI displays to appeal, Inform and engage the audience. The SW-101-N is the latest ...
Biamp incorporates the AES67 standard to its Tesira devices The products benefiting from this update are the DAN-1 card, TesiraForte Den AI/Dan CI/Dan VT/Dan VT4. From the Tesira firmware version 3.9 Supports use ...
Levi's captures times square's identity in its new flagship store The key to the identity of Times Square is digital signage and this technology has been incorporated into this establishment, by the hand of Reflect, who has used the ...
Claypaky accompanies the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 'Classical Spectacular'’ more than 80 Claypaky luminaires were used this weekend at the Royal Albert Hall to commemorate the 30 anniversary of the celebration of one of the events ...
Hiperwall incorporates HiperSource Browser in its content manager for IP videowall As a Hiperwall partner, NEC has integrated the new capabilities of the release 6.0 across its entire product range, including its dvLED screens and its ten new video walls presented ...