Crestron advanced in ISE 2018 your innovative AV solutions for this year En su asistencia a la feria de Ámsterdam, Crestron ha puesto de relieve que dispone de la tecnología adecuada para cada tipo de espacio con especial énfasis en sus soluciones ...
Bismart shows at MWC 2018 your Virtual Assistant Targeted Live Ads Esta herramienta da vida a las pantallas de publicidad de los centros comerciales proporcionando contenidos personalizados cuando el usuario pasa por delante ya que reconoce género, age, emociones y estilo ...
The National Football Stadium in Windsor Park renews its display team with Absen La opción elegida ha sido una pantalla XD10 de 43 metros cuadrados instalada en una configuración de 8,96x4,8 metros que presenta un pixel pitch de 10 Mm, 6.000 nits of ...
Maverick AV Solutions travels around Spain to show its collaboration solutions Bajo el nombre ‘Reuniones conectadas’, la división de Tech Data llevará su estrategia de colaboración al canal de distribución de Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Málaga y Bilbao. La división de Tech ...
Mercedes-Benz brings digital signage to one of its main dealerships in Madrid An indoor LED screen has been installed in the Las Rejas dealership&Go that has a surface of 11 square meters and a pixel pitch of 4 Mm. ...
Crestron Mercury expands collaboration capabilities in the new rg+p office Next to this solution, that combines tools for conferencing and collaboration in a single device, LG and Clevertouch screens have been installed, as well as the SedaoLive-Pico media player. When the ...
Christie ayuda a mostrar la personal visión del ‘Yin y el Yang’ de la artista Chan Sook Choi Para proyectar el espectacular mapping sobre la fachada del Palacio de Berlín se precisaron seis Christie Boxer 4K30 y dos Pandoras Box Quad Servers para reproducir el complejo contenido en ...
Panasonic projection revolutionizes the traditional way of working and cutting leather The Panasonic PT-VX610 allows Teseo to directly reproduce the patterns on the leather before cutting it. El objetivo es determinar con precisión la posición de las piezas para realizar el ...
Janus Display Completes Newark University Hospital's Digital Signage Installation A triple screen has been installed in the center, as a videowall, What, thanks to Janus Display's Vizia software and the Flex tool allows you to display different types of ...
The 'Children of the Sea' tour’ of David Bisbal has been illuminated with the technology of Robe In concerts they have been used 24 Pointes, 24 Spiiders and 36 LEDWash 300s de Robe, Teams that were placed in five trusses backstage and on the sides. ...
Artificial intelligence and deep learning transform the retail sector Beabloo discusses how deep learning, Artificial intelligence and chatbots will transform the retail sector, that together with big data and analytics become valuable tools ...
InFocus INL5350 and INL140: Laser projection for all types of installations Composed of two models, INL5350 series is designed for projections in large spaces, while the INL140, including three models, is ideal for use in the education sector. InFocus ...
ImaginArt Introduces Vaddio OneLINK Codec Kits for Cisco and Polycom These systems, que permiten ofrecer flexibles soluciones de videoconferencia, proporcionan una mayor libertad a la hora de elegir el diseño y la instalación de la sala. ImaginArt ha incorporado a su ...
Sennheiser renews its wireless microphone system with the ew 300 G4 The fourth generation of the Evolution range is the most versatile and flexible microphone series, ideal for use in companies, Hotels, conference centers, schools and universities. Sennheiser has renewed ...
Elo Touch updates its line of touch monitors 02 and 03-Series for retail and healthcare environment Diseñada para retail, hostelería y aplicaciones comerciales, la línea 02-Series está disponible en versiones que van de 10 to 27 Inch, mientras que la 03-Series consta de cuatro modelos que ...
Secuoya Nexus unites the areas of Corporate and Digital in a single division Esta nueva área de negocio de Grupo Secuoya busca ser un punto de convergencia entre las marcas y los consumidores, a través de la creatividad y el contenido, aprovechando las ...
ViewSonic revealed in ISE the innovations in projection and visualization for this 2018 Las novedades que podrán verse este año en el mercado vendrán de la mano de la gama de paneles planos interactivos para empresa y educación, ViewBoard, los monitores profesionales de ...
Apart Audio CM Design: Speakers with back cover for ceiling installation La serie incluye tres modelos, they offer 60, 80 and 120 W. Dos de ellos incorporan un altavoz de 4,25”, mientras que el tercero está equipado con un altavoz de ...
Caverin/Econocom incorporates the Scala Media Player solution to its digital signage portfolio This Scala solution eliminates the complexity of managing and deploying content in a digital signage network, while supporting continuous growth. Caverin/Econocom ha comenzando a comercializar para ...
Delta Display helps manage rail traffic in India En el Centro de Control y Operaciones de Lucknow Metro Rail se ha instalado un videowall en 5x2, configured with Delta Display Laser Displays, offering Full HD resolution, ...