Wacom DTH-1152: interactive multi-touch monitor for the consultation and signature of electronic documents This device provides banks, hospitals, insurance companies and public sector an optimal and intuitive way to sign documents without spending paper. Its high resolution allows the visualization of ...
The first mapping in Valencia on a basketball court uses Christie's technology The 3D projection occupied an area of 25x15 meters and for its execution two Boxer 2K30 projectors were used, they were placed in tandem at a distance of 30 metre ...
Sony presents distributors and customers with the most innovative in collaboration for education and business En el evento se han podido ver soluciones ya presentes en el mercado como Vision Exchange, y otras que verán la luz en los próximos meses, como la línea TEOS, ...
Afial convenes the 8th edition of the Sound Show, lighting and audiovisual technologies The audiovisual industry fair, Afial 2018, will be held 27 from February to 1 March at the Multipurpose Pavilion, old Madrid Arena, así como en el Pabellón ...
Mediacorp opts for Tripleplay's solution to offer IPTV streaming on its new campus En sus nuevas instalaciones ha desplegado la plataforma de medios digitales de Tripleplay que incorpora capacidades completas de IPTV, para desktop y set top box, que incluye transcodificación en vivo ...
Two Mallorcan hotels of the Hipotels chain opt for EAW Radius to sound their rooms In total they have been installed 16 RSX208L system units, 2 RSX18 and other RSX12 subwoofers. All equipment is self-powered and networked through ...
Samsung will discover at the Virtual Reality Observatory the possibilities and applications of its Gear VR En el evento mostrará la experiencia de 360 grados creada para estos dispositivos con Pablo Alborán, así como la que ha desarrollado junto con el Museo Arqueológico Nacional que permite ...
Lancaster University advances the education of the future focused on collaboration In the School of Management, a room has been redesigned that can accommodate up to 35 Students at five workstations. Y en el centro de la instalación se ...
Charmex shows the latest AV solutions for the education sector in its showroom in Barcelona Las jornadas de puertas abiertas, que está celebrando para distribuidores y usuarios finales, están sirviendo de escenario para dar a conocer soluciones como los monitores multitáctiles interactivos Clevertouch, the systems ...
Jerusalem celebrates the 50 Anniversary of the reunification of the city with a spectacular projection Para iluminar sus murallas se instalaron veinte proyectores EB-L25000U de Epson, con más de seis kilómetros de cables de fibra óptica y cien hubs, y se utilizaron cientos de drones. ...
Kramer KN-DSP100: digital sound processor over IP This server allows simultaneous processing of 64 input channels and distribution of more than 1.000 Outputs. A solution, compatible with any Dante audio signal, ideal for ...
Netipbox helps to boost the offer in the restaurant area of the Aquarium of Barcelona Los objetivos marcados se consiguieron gracias a la implementación de varios reproductores plug&play detrás de 11 Samsung screens. Estos equipos también incorporan las herramientas netipmanager y netipmaker. El grupo Aspro Parks, ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia renews its AV equipment with Mark, Work Pro and ChamSys Among the technology implemented has been used the Multiprofile Zoom Led crop focus 15-28, the Theatre Zoom Led system 15-55, the LED projector COB Spot 1 and the console ...
Panasonic provides the interactive and immersive approach that comics Station Antwerp was looking for El objetivo era implementar una solución que consiguiera que los visitantes pudieran sumergirse en el mundo de los personajes del cómic y experimentaran cómo han cambiado con el paso del ...
Visyon and LaviniaNext team up to boost the virtual reality market internationally The alliance will revolve around five strategic phases that combine the competences of the two companies. Among these, the work of customer management stands out, as well as development ...
Audio-Technica took advantage of its presence in Las Vegas to showcase its latest audio innovations The SmartMixer ATDM automatic mixer-0604, the Pro9CW headband microphone and the tools to expand the possibilities of the ATUC50 system, ATUC-50UI and ATLK-EXT165, were some of the novelties he presented ...
Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
Viewsonic PS750W: ultra-short shot interactive projection for collaborative and educational environments This team of 3.300 lumens and native resolution WXGA allows projection, a few centimeters from the wall or screen, providing large format images and that the contents can ...
Australian atp event centre centralises its AV solutions with AMX SVSI With this IP-based system the complex has established a distribution center where content can be sent instantly to screens located anywhere in the building.. between ...
Polycom consolidates its strategy in Spain with specialization as a business axis The company's commitment will focus on strengthening its presence in vertical markets such as education, health and the financial environment. In addition, are betting on other sectors such as ...