Informática El Corte Inglés develops a tactile information terminal for Neo Canarias Este soporte digital, que incorpora un dispensador de tarjetas de banda magnética/chip/sin contactos y un lector de DNI o pasaporte, resulta idóneo para utilizar como punto de información, self-service, in ...
Daktronics shows at ISE 2017 the quality and reliability of its Led solutions applied to UHD screens Pensadas para utilizar en salas de control, prensa y juntas, television sets, centros comerciales y aeropuertos estas pantallas de ultra alta definición están disponibles en opciones de 1,2, 1,9 ...
The skating rink of the Tower of London offers spectacular architectural lighting Para la producción de este año se han utilizado numerosas unidades de la cabeza móvil E Spot III y del Par Led SixPar 300IP, que han sido ubicadas en los ...
Nike store in Paris allows you to configure sneakers using augmented reality SmartPixels has been the company in charge of installing in this establishment two projection devices from which it is possible to customize, in real time, the size and color. La firma de ...
José Antonio López adds to his position as President of Ericsson Spain the CEO After the retirement of Ingemar Naeve, has assumed his duties in addition to being responsible for Ericsson's business and operations in Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar. From the beginning of the year, Joseph ...
Unilumin UpanelS: High-definition Led display solution for control rooms This narrow pixel pitch display is designed to meet the requirements of mission-critical environments, offering a simple installation process, con mantenimiento por la parte ...
Epson will attend ISE 2017 with its latest developments in professional projection and installation In addition to showing its most powerful equipment to date, 3LCD laser EB-L25000U, the Japanese company will attend with the EB-L1000 ranges, EB-5500, EB-2000, EB-1700, EB-1460Ui and EB-696Ui, next to the ...
Daktronics IPTV2 centralizes functions in end-to-end digital media networks Esta solución dispone de una consola desde la que se gestionan de forma centralizada todos los elementos de la infraestructura, desde sistemas de señalización digital, pantallas de menús digitales, Systems ...
Atlona responds to the problems of AV integration in HDR 4K systems In ISE 2017 dará a conocer los sistemas Etude Sync y HDR-M2C que son compatibles con HDCP 2.2 y soportan velocidades de datos HDMI 2.0 up to 18 Gbps. Atlona presentará ...
Fitur 2017: Mexico makes use of virtual reality to promote the country as a tourist destination Hand in hand with Virtualware, su stand ofrece una espectacular imagen visual y sumerge a los asistentes en una experiencia interactiva que les lleva de viaje a paradisiacas playas o ...
The new Mood Media store offers a more visual and interactive sales concept Located in the Créteil Soleil shopping center, This establishment has different AV solutions that seek to capture the attention of the client such as the DLP E-Vision laser system 8500 de Digital ...
Monica Rich Kosann Brings Online Selling to Her Columbus Circle Store with Elo Displays En el nuevo establecimiento, localizado en el centro comercial The Shops, se han instalado equipos táctiles digitales interactivos de Elo que permiten al cliente acceder al completo catálogo de la marca. ...
Ise 2017: Crestron for Skype for Business brings the HD audiovisual experience to meeting rooms Los visitantes podrán ver cómo ha integrado de forma nativa Skype for Business con su tecnología audiovisual y de control de sala para crear un sistema de colaboración que se ...
Calahorra brings tourist and commercial information to citizens and visitors from a digital totem El soporte digital Infotactile, diseñado con una pantalla antivandálica de 49 Inch, ha sido instalado en uno de los lugares más céntricos de la ciudad riojana. Entre las opciones que ...
An interactive projection brings to life the world of subatomic particles at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum The VPL-FHZ57 laser gives visitors a colorful view of the fundamental building blocks that make up the universe. Su calidad de imagen se refleja en una proyección llamada Extra dimensions ...
Beabloo will go to ISE 2017 with its omnichannel technology for the retail sector At its stand will exhibit its digital signage technologies, Content creation and management, Image processing, Interactive and large-scale monitors, Video projection, satisfaction surveys ...
Advantech DS-780: 4K multiscreen player without fan for digital signage This equipment incorporates the dedicated signage software WebAccess/IMM and the remote device management application Wise-PaaS/RMM for digital signage networks installed in multiple locations. Designed for ...
Deva offered a new line of functionality on one of Times Square's busiest dates Maryland Sound empleó nuevos aparatos multimedia Deva, amplificados por Powersoft, como parte de su sistema, proporcionando monitorización de seguridad, capacidades de mensajes de emergencia y música ambiental para los festejos ...
Allen & Heath dLive C Class: compact mixing systems for AV environments and live events The series includes 3 MixRacks (CDM32, CDM48 and CDM64) and three control surfaces: the C1500 that can be rack-mounted, C2500 and C3500, equipped with double ...
Samsung helps Restalia to implement a circuit of digital signage in its franchises Con objeto de convertir sus puntos de venta en vías de comunicación con el cliente, la implementación de esta red de señalización digital ya ha sido realizada en 250 of ...