Avocor H-Series: The Future of Workplace Collaboration Las pantallas de la serie H de Avocor ofrecen resolución 4K y han sido diseñadas con la tecnología táctil PCAP. Available at 65, 75 and 86 Inch, esta gama cuenta ...
LPG will go to Prolight + Sound with an extensive line of innovative solutions In addition to the wide range of novelties that will be exhibited at the LPG stand, An interpretation of a JDC2 IP system consisting of 120 impression X5 Compact ...
Nova TV bets on Leyard Europe for its news studio El estudio se ha equipado con varios videowalls Led de Leyard Europe, entre los que se encuentran dos curvos TVF de 14x7 metros y otros dos planos Luminate Pro, In addition ...
KV2 sets the stage for its participation in Prolight + Sound 2024 During your attendance at Prolight + Sound 2024, KV2 Audio will demonstrate its long-range system designed for audiences up to 20.000 people without the need for additional delays,VHD2; ...
AtlasIED Brings Security and a Better Experience to Hilton Garden Guests In the establishment that this hotel chain has in La Romana, in the Dominican Republic, the AtlasIED Atmosphere platform has been installed to be able to send emergency announcements, besides ...
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Encourages Hybrid Learning with Lightware The solution, powered by USB-C, includes the installation of Lightware Taurus UCX-4x2-HC30 universal switching matrices in your classrooms. In this way, The centre has created an environment of ...
Europalco organised the 20 Dreammedia's Anniversary in OOH Advertising El evento ofreció una experiencia inmersiva que transformó la celebración en un viaje interactivo por la ‘Ciudad del Futuro’. and, for that purpose, Europalco desplegó una pantalla LW P3.9 de 12 ...
AVIT Vision Markets Vissonic Conferencing and Discussion Solutions Las soluciones de Vissonic que distribuye AVIT Vision incluyen el sistema de distribución de idiomas por infrarrojos, el de conferencias inalámbrico con pantalla táctil y con cable, así como el sistema de ...
Extron ConferenceShare: Wireless conferencing for ShareLink Pro Esta solución de Extron da acceso a los dispositivos USB conectados al sistema de presentación inalámbrico y por cable ShareLink Pro, lo que simplifica el proceso de incorporación de recursos ...
"PPDS prepares for the future with sustainable solutions that respond to the challenges of the AV sector", Romain Gentile Energy efficiency and sustainability have been two key concepts in the wide range of innovations that PPDS – Philips has unveiled at ISE 2024. These include the ...
Lendlease migrates to a more collaborative environment with Signagelive The process has been carried out gradually at Lendlease's European offices. The cloud-based digital signage solution has since grown to include Web Triggers for ...
Genelec carries out its first Smart IP installation in Estonia in a sophisticated gastrobar En el establecimiento localizado en Tallin se ha instalado un sistema de sonido multifuncional que se adapta a diferentes eventos. Concretamente cuenta con una solución integrada por diez altavoces 4430 ...
Sennheiser and AVer help create the HyFlex solution at the University of Greenwich Este proyecto tenía como objetivo mejorar el aprendizaje híbrido y para su desarrollo se han utilizado las soluciones de audio de Sennheiser, such as the TeamConnect Ceiling microphone 2, and the ...
Cines Callao incorporates 3D videomapping to its technical infrastructure The new solution, que permitirá crear experiencias inmersivas para los eventos que se celebren en el espacio de Cines Callao, incluye dos proyectores láser de 20.000 Lumens, conectados a un ...
El museo de Ciencias de Fort Worth crea un domo Led inmersivo 8K con la ayuda de Cosm Equipado con numerosas herramientas de producción de contenido, incluido Digistar 7 y CX Realtime, el sistema CX de Cosm Technology permite presentar simulaciones y visualizaciones científicas que fomentan la misión ...
"AEQ has presented its innovative professional audio and video solutions at ISE", Mónica de la Fuente With new intercom systems and audiocodec communication equipment, AEQ seeks to strengthen its presence in the professional audio and video market, To get there, as he explains in ...
Toshiba Tec launches a new Collaborative Digital Signage business line in Spain Con objeto de trasladar el lenguaje de las redes sociales a la cartelería digital, para centros educativos y empresas, Toshiba Tec ha desarrollado una solución que incluye pantallas Ultra HD ...
Pennsylvania Station gets a makeover with a new LED screen from SNA Displays At one of the busiest entrances to this railway station, a Brilliant SNA Displays LED screen has been installed 72 square meters, 1,5 mm pixel pitch and ...
Prolights illuminates the project of the Abrahamic Family House One hundred Prolights EclDisplay LED projectors create an optimal atmosphere in the exhibition area, making light a fundamental element in the narrative of the project. EclDisplay systems ...
Clear-Com Powers Communications at San Diego's Snapdragon Stadium At the heart of Snapdragon Stadium's communication infrastructure lies in the implementation of Clear-Com's FreeSpeak II digital wireless technology, system that has been combined with elements ...