Audio Lisbon bets on Genelec's technology for its immersive audio room SAM monitors are a fundamental piece in this new immersive study as part of the Portuguese company's internationalization strategy. La nueva sala de audio inmersiva de Audio ... celestino García is signed, exSamsung, as vp. business development Como señalan desde esta compañía vasca de servicios de inteligencia artificial, la incorporación de este directivo impulsará su estrategia de crecimiento y expansión. Tras trabajar en Samsung durante los últimos diez ...
Absen's double-sided Led screens are suspended from the ceiling of Wuyue Mall Ubicado en la ciudad china de Yuhuan, esta instalación comercial que inicia poco a poco su apertura al público, ofrece información en estos sistemas visuales con las recomendaciones sanitarias para ...
Matrox D-Series D1480 makes it easy to design next-generation videowalls This multi-screen GPU offers up to four video outputs, all with 4K resolution at 60fps with DisplayPort connections. The New Matrox D-Series D1480 Single-Slot Card, now available ...
Bose ES1 Ceiling Audio Solution earns Microsoft Teams certification Users of this platform will now benefit from a transparent technological experience, no audio devices on the tables, y de un sonido óptimo en cualquier ...
E Ink and Artec Design display ePaper screens at Estonia's largest university These digital electronic ink paper screens have been chosen by the University of Tartu to show the daily schedules of each class in the recently opened Center ...
InfoComm 2020 Connected officially opens its registration period This virtual fair, to be carried out from the 16 to the 18 next June, bring together experts from a wide range of audiovisual disciplines from around the world, What ...
Ewent provides the elements to choose the most suitable monitor support Con el fin de optimizar cualquier espacio de trabajo, tanto en la oficina como actualmente en modo teletrabajo a causa del confinamiento, el fabricante ofrece una amplia gama de soportes ...
D'stric brings dynamic wave-shaped anamorphic technology to Coex's Led Dooh display Korean creative agency has generated this stunning and dynamic visual experience, called 'Wave', on the screen Led advertising Dooh largest in the country, with a surface of 1.620 m2 ...
The Circus of the Sun relies for its 'Paramour' show on Clear-Com This new musical and acrobatic production for the European market, fruit of the partnership with Stage Entertainment, uses the manufacturer's HelixNet and FreeSpeak II intercoms. The Neue Flora Theatre of ...
Elation lights up post-Covid-19-era drive-in concerts in The German city of Monheim A total of 34 aparatos de este fabricante e igual número de cabezas móviles de ADJ componen el diseño de iluminación para estos conciertos, que los asistentes pueden disfrutar en ...
SendingLove: the largest user-created Dooh campaign to fight Covid-19 with love Esta iniciativa global se ha puesto en marcha con el apoyo de World Out of Home Organization, y se ejecuta en el espacio de las pantallas publicitarias de exterior donado ...
Yamaha introduces its Rivage PM5 and PM3 digital mixing systems to the market These two new control surfaces, along with two DSP engines are the latest additions to the professional audio product range. Los sistemas de mezclas digitales Rivage PM5 y ...
Genelec deploys its audio technology at Mercantina Bistro restaurant 37 lisbon The distributor and local integrator Garret Audiovisuais has installed different systems of the series 4000 of the manufacturer overcoming the architectural challenges of the emblematic building in which the ...
Digital signage Now & Next: vision on the current and future panorama of the market This industry has been no exception in the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Joan Aixa, director of Maverick AV Solutions Iberia, analyze what it will be like in the long term ...
Avit Vision incorporates into its catalog the solution for booking and managing Telelogos rooms Distribuye ahora en España el software Meeting4Display, junto con el de señalización digital Media4Display de este desarrollador europeo, que se suman a su propuesta de sistemas de reserva de espacios ...
SeeSound expands its professional lighting offer with the Italian manufacturer Prolights La firma de este acuerdo de distribución para el mercado español, que abarca sistemas para giras, Events, broadcast e instalaciones, tiene carácter de exclusividad y efecto inmediato. Los productos y sistemas ...
D&b audiotechnik supports its customers with a product warranty extension program Esta iniciativa es solo una parte del conjunto de acciones de este fabricante en respuesta a la Covid-19 para aliviar las inquietudes de sus clientes y reforzar el compromiso a ...
Sharp bets on TeamViewer to offer remote support to customers on its screens Customers and partners will now be able to connect seamlessly to any of the manufacturer's displays with SoC processor, such as Smart Signage models, Big Pad and 4K, What ...
AG Neovo brings visualization and security from all angles to the maritime environment Un total de veintiséis pantallas de la serie QX, in formats of 55, 24 and 17", se han instalado en el buque pesquero Pia Glanz, que ahora realiza su actividad ...