Sharp bets on TeamViewer to offer remote support to customers on its screens Customers and partners will now be able to connect seamlessly to any of the manufacturer's displays with SoC processor, such as Smart Signage models, Big Pad and 4K, What ...
AG Neovo brings visualization and security from all angles to the maritime environment Un total de veintiséis pantallas de la serie QX, in formats of 55, 24 and 17", se han instalado en el buque pesquero Pia Glanz, que ahora realiza su actividad ...
Bewin Safe & Service: solutions to improve customer service and safety in retail This proposal of Altabox Econocom for the post-Covid-19 era has solutions for the management of influxes and capacities, along with appointment management systems, Shifts, collection and ...
Movilok Showcases facilitates the virtual interaction of tourists in the post-Covid-19 era In view of the imminent reactivation of tourism in Spain in the de-escalation process, All those involved in this industry will have to take extreme safety and hygiene measures and bet on ...
Bose Professional expands its audio educational offering at Global EDU Online Center This online training center offers AV integrators, system designers and audio technicians more than three hundred training modules on the products and software of this manufacturer. Global ...
Kansas State University updates audio and video screens with Daktronics Las instalaciones para fútbol y béisbol de este campus universitario de Estados Unidos se refuerzan con nuevas pantallas Led y mejoras en los sistemas de audio. Daktronics mantiene una larga relación ...
Extron NBP 1200C: AV control panel, Cubby network and cable for meeting rooms This cable box for mounting on any type of furniture has a panel of network buttons integrated directly into the lid. El nuevo NBP 1200C de Extron combina ...
Legrand AV entrusts the chairmanship of this business unit to Steve Durkee Hasta ahora vicepresidente senior y director general comercial de esta división de negocio, Durkee ha sido promocionado para impulsar el creciente negocio audiovisual de esta multinacional. La división AV de Legrand ...
Tripleplay unveils its Caveman software platform 3.0 with the six-way Multiview feature The manufacturer offers an important advance in level of integration, capabilities and functions for the AV/IT market. Caveman 3.0 is the latest software platform that Tripleplay has developed and just ...
Diversified integrates aurora multimedia sensors into its screens to measure temperature The vitalsign kiosks and digital screens from this manufacturer help reduce the risks of contagion and improve public safety in multiple sectors, who can use your proposal ...
JVCKenwood shows new version of its Gazefinder look tracking system The NP-200 features more applications with a better level of security and increased sampling rate. El sistema Gazefinder de JVCKenwood es capaz de medir y ...
Absen Light Box facilitates the creation and efficiency of dynamic outdoor digital advertising This solution simplifies the work of advertisers, helping them drive engagement and purchase from target audiences, con contenidos de alta calidad visual ...
LG will start in June the commercialization in Spain of its 8K OLED TV The Korean manufacturer bets with the ZX model for compatibility with all HDR formats, a complete Smart TV system (webOS 5.0) and an 8K α9 smart processor ...
TouchSource Introduces Interactive Contactless Directory for Social Distancing Esta solución de señalización digital incluye un nuevo directorio interactivo, habilitado para dispositivos móviles, específicamente diseñado para mantener la prevención y el distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia del Covid-19. the ...
Mad Cool, Sónar and Primavera Sound postpone their celebration to 2021 La pandemia por el Covid-19 en España se ha extendido a la celebración de festivales de música, como ha sucedido con el aplazamiento de las convocatorias previstas en algunas citas ...
AVIT Vision incorporates to its offer the platform for control of AV systems of Utelogy The commercial proposal in Spain of this distributor is expanded with this solution, that integrates audiovisual devices within enterprise IT networks. The Spanish distributor AVIT Vision has reached a ...
Numark makes it easy to access the features of its new Mixtrack FX controllers Effect buttons, large tactile wheels of 6 inches and sixteen multifunction pads are some of the features of Mixtrack Platinum FX and Mixtrack Pro FX. Numark's new DJ controllers ...
PowerAV creates Online Events to deliver virtual events on its multi-connection set The specialist in audiovisual services adapts to the current times to offer customers tailor-made solutions, in online or hybrid format, para sus presentaciones y eventos de ...
The power to transform interactive screens in education La forma de enseñar y aprender en aulas, training rooms, Etc. ha cambiado significativamente, y más en los últimos meses, en los que las clases virtuales tienen que servir ...
Sony begins marketing its A8 OLED 4K HDR range Este nuevo equipo incorpora el procesador Picture Processor X1 y otras avanzadas tecnologías de imagen y sonido del fabricante japonés. La nueva gama A8 OLED 4K HDR de Sony, composed by ...