Ubiturn: shift management system that allows the user and staff to interact Los servicios que utilicen este sistema desarrollado por Sopa Software pueden, In addition, conectarlo con otras plataformas de gestión e integrarlo con redes de señalización digital, among other possibilities. El especialista español ...
Kiwoko relies on ImaginADS for digital communication in its stores Con el objetivo de ofrecer nuevas experiencias de compra al cliente, esta cadena especializada en el mundo animal ha apostado por este sistema para la comunicación digital con sus clientes. Referent ...
"One factor that contributes to the success of any business depends on whether employees work collaboratively or not" Luisa Crespo, director Head of Iberia Sub-Saharan Africa Promethean, analyzes the latest technological and collaborative trends that help companies become more efficient. Reference manufacturer in interactive solutions, ...
Technological Innovations Group partners with NFS to create smart spaces Thanks to this initiative, los integradores de TIG pueden especificar el software de reserva de horarios Rendezvous de NFS como un complemento para los paneles de reserva de salas de ...
Barcelona Metro bets again on dynamic advertising on a stretch of the L1 This is the same technological solution, with the installation of three hundred Led bars, contributed by the Canadian Adtrackmedia, with Telefónica as an integrating partner, that already works for a long time ...
Avixa creates an advisory committee of audiovisual integration companies in Spain Twenty Spanish audiovisual integration companies have met, under the umbrella of this association with the aim of strengthening the value they play, in addition to analyzing the lack of ...
Tech Data summons the channel next 15 September to celebrate METIC2020 Tras aplazarse por la situación de expansión del Covid-19, el evento anual con el canal del mayorista tecnológico tendrá lugar a mediados del próximo mes de septiembre. METIC2020, el evento anual ...
Biamp expands the TesiraConnect range to incorporate AVB and Dante in its AV solutions La inclusión del dispositivo de doble red TesiraConnect TC-5D permite a los diseñadores incorporar sin problemas tanto AVB como Dante en los diseños de sistemas para ofrecer soluciones completas. En línea ...
Fashionalia moves to the 'phygital' environment with Alfalite Led screens The project has been carried out by Bexfy, specialist in experiential and marketing integration, with the installation of the modular series Cristalpix P3, along with an interactive tester, digital kiosks, ...
B-Tech partners with Italian AV distributor Ligra DS as its European expansion continues The manufacturer of AV mounting solutions extends its products and solutions to new markets after signing an agreement with this Italian company, which becomes the new distributor ...
Sharp shows the benefits of its Windows collaboration display certified system in the Connected event The Amsterdam offices, Microsoft's Madrid and New York have been connected through Teams and Sharp's interactive collaboration system, the only certificate in the ...
The luxurious Hotel Martinez in Cannes deploys its digital signage network with Philips PDS Este establecimiento de la Costa Azul ha mejorado la comunicación con sus huéspedes y visitantes, a los que ofrece información y servicios a través de sistemas visuales y tótem digitales ...
Chief puts the spotlight on the retail sector with AV stands for storefronts and interior El fabricante de soportes audiovisuales ha desarrollado dos nuevos modelos para la instalación de monitores en escaparate, tanto en versión de una única cara como en versión de doble cara ...
BGL opens a subsidiary in Dubai to boost its business in the Middle East A strategic location, the growth generated by the Expo 2020 and its commercial vision place this emirate as a preferred destination for companies that are committed to development and ...
Mediapro, Telefónica and TMB: first augmented reality project over 5G on a tour bus Called 5G Augmented Tourism, this project that is tested in two tourist buses that travel the mountain of Montjuïc (Barcelona), allows users to view on an interactive transparent screen ...
Smart offices: myth or reality? Digitalization has transformed the current environment and represents an opportunity for companies in the design of spaces that combine the digital and analog environment, as Carl Standertskjold explains, ...
Digital Projection puts its technology at the service of the Kuwait Habitat Museum Smartentiy ha seleccionado los proyectores E-Vision 13K de este fabricante, con tecnología de refuerzo de color Red Laser, para renovar la pieza central del museo: una vibrante y dinámica exposición ...
Philips PDS presents its visual innovation for companies to the Spanish market, hospitality and education After a successful participation in ISE 2020, where he has exhibited his latest developments in screens, Monitors, professional TVs and communication solutions, its managers in the Iberian market explain this ...
Kramer Omnivore KM-2B: single-microphone solution for corporate applications This versatile and flexible microphone, patent pending, can have three selectable patterns: omnidirectional, Cardioid and sub-cardioid directional to fit different meeting and conference spaces. Omnivore KM-2B es ...
Peerless-AV promotes the customization of its Led solutions to respond to the demand of each client With a wide proposal at the service of professionals in the audiovisual industry, the manufacturer has successfully completed the last edition that ISE has held in Amsterdam, in the ...