Yamaha puts its professional audio innovation on display and action at NAMM 2020 In the contest, que ayer abrió sus puertas en Anaheim (California), el fabricante cuenta con un enorme espacio de exhibición con su línea completa de consolas de mezcla digital, Amplifiers, ...
Toshiba Tec introduces a high-performance self-service kiosk for small businesses Esta versátil solución puede instalarse en mostradores, estantes o soportes e integra una impresora de gran autonomía, un escaner de lectura y otro de mano, among other elements. Compacto y ergonómico, ...
Realidad aumentada para potenciar la comunicación tecnológica con los empleados Grupo Eulen ha puesto en marcha una prueba de concepto (PoC) con esta tecnología en sus oficinas centrales, cuyo desarrollo ha realizado el especialista en estrategia de comunicación Vidibond. En línea ...
Signagelive joins the commercial proposal AV of Comm-Tec in Spain and Portugal The distributor has just announced the agreement with this British digital signage software company, that reinforces its offer in the Iberian market with a complete range of products ...
Christie amplía su oferta de proyección láser para el mercado rental con Crimson HD31 y WU31 Los nuevos equipos láser 3DLP ofrecen un brillo de 31.500 lúmenes ISO e incorporan las tecnologías avanzadas del fabricante, con el mismo precio que los sistemas Crimson 25. La multinacional Christie ...
Movilok will show in Fitur 2020 Showcases' new features This integration facilitates compatibility with other existing digital signage solutions, along with new tracking capabilities, that provide new types of usage statistics. The digital solution ...
Philips 243B9: gran visualización con productividad energéticamente eficiente Este monitor profesional de 24” ofrece ángulos de visualización de 178º en toda la pantalla, rápida conectividad y elementos certificados para reducir al mínimo el consumo. MMD, socio de licencia de ...
Martin Audio unveils new Blackline X218 dual transducer subwoofer The manufacturer expands with this high-performance model the series of portable enclosures BlacklineX, which has already become the best-selling in the company's history. the ...
Soundlight Spain takes over the national distribution of AED Audio products The new Belgian professional audio brand now markets its range of speakers in Spain, formed by the Flex and Solid series. From this month of January, Soundlight Spain is ...
Work Pro's LS nodes boosted URA's innovative multimedia experience The intense lighting transmitted by these devices has helped create the atmosphere of this creative proposal installed along the coast in Quebec (Canada). The transmission device ...
Digital Projection wants to change the rules of projection with the innovative Satellite MSL The manufacturer will show the potential of its new development and an immersive virtual reality experience during its participation in ISE 2020. The upcoming celebration of the edition 2020 ...
Nureva HDL200: Advanced audio conferencing for small spaces Diseñado para adaptarse a cualquier sala de reunión de pequeño tamaño, este sistema cuenta con la tecnología patentada de micrófono Mist, que llena todo el espacio con micrófonos virtuales para ...
Stonex hosts the first training on Movecat motor control in Spain Empresas que disponen de material Movecat o instalaciones de ingeniería escénica con productos de la marca han asistido a este curso, organizado por su distribuidor oficial. El nuevo espacio de Stonex ...
Harman appoints Brian Divine as president of its professional division With immediate effect, He will be responsible for overseeing the global operations of this division and the strategy of the eleven brands that comprise it.. The new president of Harman Professional Solutions, ...
Admira creates and manages the contents of the screens of the pediatric areas of Quirónsalud The Quirónsalud Córdoba hospital is the first to launch the project of digitalization of pediatric areas, that have large touch screens and their own content and illustrations ...
Absen advances the novelties in Led screens that will show the Asian market in ISLE 2020 Apenas una semana después de que finalice en Europa ISE 2020, el fabricante chino de pantallas Led participará también en el certamen ISLE 2020 con las novedades que presentará en ...
Optoma's laser projection shows in 360º the pictorial work of Gustav Klimt in Malaga A total of 49 manufacturer's projectors, with 4K and HDR capability, are used for the production of Nomad's immersive digital painting exhibition 'Klimt's Gold' ...
The University of Campania uses Martin Audio's immersive technology for its research The relationship between temperature, the audio and images focus the research carried out in the laboratory of the academic campus located in the Italian town of Aversa. The University ...
Tripleplay introduces the six-way Multiview feature for its digital signage system This advancement in streaming video distribution allows end users to simultaneously stream up to six videos (until now it was only four) in multicast from a single endpoint. the ...
Yamaha organizes Audioversity courses on Rivage PM digital consoles The city of Santiago de Compostela will start, the next 28 and 29 January, these training sessions to smoothly handle this digital mixing system. Los cursos Audioversity, organizados ...