Legends Casino Hotel Transforms Event Space with Elation Lighting An efficient lighting system is a fundamental part of the renovation project of the old ballroom of this North American installation in a multipurpose space. Located in Toppenish, in the city ...
Mike Blackman: "ISE has become an essential event for end users and the integration channel" The CEO of Integrated Systems Events, Mike Blackman, advances the news of ISE 2020, while analyzing why this event has become the "essential" event ...
A large Unilumin Led video wall involves visitors at the Statue of Liberty Museum With a size of 13 metre, pixel pich of 1,5 Mm, this donation from the manufacturer to the facility shows the photos taken by visitors during their tour. The opening of the ...
Newline Interactive screens equip public schools in the Balearic Islands For the second year in a row, The manufacturer has been chosen to provide 386 classrooms in this community with their RS Series interactive displays. The Governing Council of the ...
Macroservice opens its new offices in Barcelona The new facilities are located in the town of Cornellá de Llobregat, which will help shorten the delivery times of the products of your represented and designs to ...
Roomdimensions Ibérica expands its range of products and opens a showroom La compañía ha abierto este espacio está destinado a la generación de eventos con clientes y partners, para que puedan conocer y testear las últimas novedades. Con el objetivo de seguir ...
CityLight renews its lighting equipment with Martin's latest Led systems With this investment, The Spanish company already has about seven hundred lighting equipment of the Danish brand for its projects. Specialized in rental, Sale and installation of ...
Stonex inaugura su nuevo espacio con un evento de innovación en iluminación escénica The next 5 and 6 November, los profesionales de iluminación podrán disfrutar de charlas educativas y puesta en escena con las tecnologías que están marcando el futuro del sector. the ...
Absen and Earpro celebrate their first year of collaboration in the commercialization of Led screens This event coincided with the official opening of the new Earpro showroom in Madrid, a space of 200 m2 que servirá de punto de encuentro para los clientes. Earpro, distributor ...
AcustiCanarias Servicios Audiovisuales bets on the audio quality of Adamson Systems The company, based in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, has purchased an Adamson S7 Compact Set system for your projects. With a professional staff with more than twenty years of experience, ...
L'illa Diagonal entrusts its commercial digital action on Led screens&go The entrances to the car park of this shopping centre in Barcelona have two indoor LED screens to create a high-impact visual experience when customers enter with a ...
Peerless-AV explains the advantages of its screen for outdoor Xtreme IP68 in international fairs The next appointment to know the advantages offered by this range is Integrated Systems Russia 2019, of the 23 to the 25 October at the Moscow Expocentre, where you participate with ...
European Parliament wins AV award for 'Public Sector Project of the Year' with Lawo infrastructure La institución europea ha recibido este galardón por ‘Mission transparency’, un ambicioso proyecto que ya está en pleno funcionamiento, with more than 640 flujos de vídeo y superando los 9.000 ...
NEC Display develops MediaPlayer software with Raspberry Pi for digital signage Modular and free, This software offers higher performance, Multimedia management options and a signage solution adaptable to new needs. Designed for Digital Signage Solutions, the new MediaPlayer software ...
The Teatro Real bets on Led screens as an element of the show Tras una profunda renovación digital, el especialista Led Dream ha instalado tres pantallas de alta definición de Samsung en la sala principal. El Teatro Real de Madrid, situado en el centro ...
Modulo Pi takes interactive visual experiences to the next level with KineMotion Este nuevo módulo de seguimiento óptico aporta más rendimiento y fiabilidad y está disponible como opción para la gama de servidores de medios Modulo Kinetic. KineMotion es el nuevo módulo de ...
The display of Sony Crystal Led is integrated into the studies of Fox Turkey Cada vez son más los estudios y platós de televisión que apuestan por grandes sistemas visuales para mostrar contenidos, como es el caso del boletín informativo Fox News, The most ...
CaixaForum Madrid inaugurates its functional Classroom 1 to celebrate all kinds of events The specialist Ditec has carried out the integration of all the audiovisual systems of this space converted into an auditorium to celebrate different events. To technologically transform this caixa forum madrid space ...
Exterior Plus performs an augmented reality pilot experience at Atocha Station The specialist in advertising space management, in collaboration with the company Admira, have tested in this space the ability to recreate virtual content that converges with the day to day ...
The Maat relies on Christie's laser projection to be a European benchmark for contemporary art The Art Museum, Lisbon Architecture and Technology (Maat), ha instalado diez proyectores láser de las Series GS y HS de Christie para dinamizar las distintas muestras que se ...