Beam: the immersive and multisensory experience with laser projection of the Glastonbury Festival In collaboration with mapping specialists, my e, lighting and sound, NEC Display has provided its laser projection technology for the creation of Beam, An immersive, multi-sensory experience of the ...
The Spanish distributor EES passes into the hands of the Midwich Group – Earpro El distribuidor audiovisual Midwich, a través de su filial española Earpro, ha adquirido el total del capital social de esta empresa española, especializada en comercializar productos y soluciones de iluminación. with ...
Leyard moves its EMEA headquarters to Germany and opens two new showrooms in Dubai and Moscow Los cuarteles centrales del fabricante en EMEA, junto con su sala de exposición, están ahora localizados en la ciudad alemana de Reutlingen. Como parte de su compromiso con los clientes, the ...
Led screens: how do you know if they are protected from dust and water? Los distintos niveles de la escala IP determinan el grado de protección de las pantallas frente a elementos sólidos y líquidos, tal y como el especialista Mondo Ibérica analiza en ...
Malaga's Observatory of New Technologies will show innovative virtual museum projects Algunos de los principales museos de arte del mundo, como el Prado y el recientemente inaugurado Nacional de Catar, son referentes en ofrecer a sus visitantes visitas virtuales a través ...
The power of 112 Panasonic's 4K projectors envelops visitors in Qatar's history The PT-RQ13K model from this manufacturer has been chosen for the National Museum of Qatar, both for its level of quality and compatibility with content in Ultra High Resolution, how ...
Los monitores Dynamic2 de Arthur Holm centran la sala de dirección de la sede de Adobe El desarrollador de software ha rediseñado sus cuarteles de San José (California) para fomentar su cultura creativa y de colaboración digital. Ejemplo de ello es su sala de reuniones, Equipped ...
Estalella shows AV trends with NEC Display as the protagonist The wholesaler has recently held two open days in Madrid and Barcelona, to show the new range of products of this manufacturer and other AV proposals. The extensive range ...
Userful manages the digital signage and information network of Toulouse-Blagnac Airport New network of visual monitors toggle flight tracking in real time, Store promotions and other terminal services and information; Three technologies managed in ...
Vitelsa performs for IVAM the AV installation of the exhibition 'Fernand Léger and modern life' The company has made three different technological equipment installations depending on the requirements of each gallery of the exhibition. The Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM) has inaugurated the ...
The multifunctional Lanxess Arena bets on Artist Riedel systems for its events and broadcasts Currently the largest in Germany, the stadium now has a complete communications network based on Riedel Artist to streamline its production workflows. Located in the ...
LG amplía su portfolio de cartelería digital con pantallas táctiles e interactivas de hasta 86” Los nuevos equipos IDB del fabricante integran la tecnología avanzada IPS In-Cell Touch, diseñada para su uso en salas de reuniones, aulas y otros espacios de colaboración. Pantallas digitales táctiles e ...
IAB Spain presents its new board of directors with Angel Fernández Nebot as president IAB Spain Associates, meeting in Ordinary General Assembly, have chosen Ángel Fernández Nebot (Smartclip) as president; to Tacho Orero (GroupM) as vice-president and his new members. the ...
The Star Sydney: a dynamic and immersive digital canvas about this Australian city The creative and artistic studio Ramus has just completed its first permanent immersion experience: a semi-light art gallery, semi-aquatic and interactive. La experiencia de inmersión The Star Sydney proviene de un ...
Atlona AT-DISP-CTRL: driver for meeting rooms with only one screen installed Este compacto sistema proporciona un control de pantalla simple y automatizado a través de IP, RS-232, IR o CEC cuando un dispositivo está conectado o desconectado. Diseñado para pequeñas salas y ...
Panasonic provides 4K resolution and angle of 111 degrees in your new PTZ camera El fabricante ha ampliado su gama de cámaras PTZ con el modelo AW-UE4, presentada recientemente durante su participación en InfoComm 2019 in Orlando. Para celebrar el décimo aniversario de su gama ...
Bose Professional technology brings sound to Mexico's new Humanitas Theater GeneSist has integrated the ShowMatch DeltaQ system and a distributed audio solution from this manufacturer for the different artistic shows and educational events that are presented on its stage. Founded ...
Sequoia BGL works on AV integration of the new Olympic and Sport Museum of Qatar Located on the same grounds as Doha's Khalifa International Stadium, this museum around sport has the latest technologies and interactive installations. The Spanish company BGL Audiovisual, What ...
EES will hold its first 'Robe Technical Maintenance Workshop' in Spain Las sesiones de formación, in the morning, se iniciarán el próximo 8 de julio en las instalaciones de EES en el País Vasco, y se celebrarán también en Madrid ...
PEEX's rX technology will be present today at the Elton John concert in Madrid The attendees who attend tonight the concert that Elton John will offer in Madrid, the only one in Spain of his tour 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road', will be able to test the PEEX experience ...