Seat Lost&Sound brings augmented reality to major music festivals the 50% European large companies will have implemented an augmented reality and/or virtual reality strategy in 2020, according to data from consultancy IDC Research Spain. Cada vez ...
The Kinect Led spheres received visitors in Retail & Brand Experience World Congress El especialista Sono Tecnología Audiovisual fue responsable de instalar un total de 65 esferas Led Kinect durante la reciente celebración de este evento en Barcelona. retail & Brand Experience World Congress ...
The Castle of Torija fuses technology and history to show the richness of the province of Guadalajara Elegance, diseño y funcionalidad se combinan en la sala principal de esta instalación, equipada con un videowall, instalado y configurado por Ruybesa. El Centro de Interpretación Turística de la Provincia de ...
Work Pro LS-Wing: DMX LightShark console fader extension surface InfoComm 2019 has been the contest chosen by the company to present this system, you can operate in Open Sound Control mode (OSC) and send those commands to any device. LightShark, ...
APD carries out the design and execution of the exhibition 'Champions Legends Gallery' in Madrid The Royal Post Office of Madrid, located in the Puerta del Sol, welcomes until next 2 of June this exhibition, in tribute to the great football legends of the ...
Chief expands its Impact wall-mounted digital signage system for large-format displays El fabricante de soluciones de montaje AV ha ampliado la carcasa de este equipo de pared para ofrecer compatibilidad con tamaños de pantalla de 40 to 75 Inch. Impact, el quiosco ...
The world from the cockpit of an airplane: the multimedia experience of Vienna Airport Los responsables de esta gran vista panorámica que se ofrece desde el Visitor World, ubicado en recinto aeroportuario, son seis proyectores láser Christie DHD850-GS, instalados detrás de las pantallas y ...
Newline provides a large-format interactive system for Club Raheem activities This financial and business club has the VN75 touch screen of this manufacturer for use in internal meetings, Events and presentations in your multimedia room. Located in the ...
Acer develops the X1 series of wireless projectors for meeting rooms and classrooms With a brightness of up to 3.600 lúmenes y un alto ratio de contraste 20.000:1, estos equipos ofrecen alta calidad de imagen desde grandes distancias, even in daylight. The new ...
Netipbox Technologies boosts its international expansion with a headquarters in the United States The Spanish company has opened an office in Miami to offer its Smart Digital Signage solutions to the North American market, as well as establishing commercial agreements with local distributors and integrators. Based ...
DiGiCo will introduce a new DMI-Dante card 64 InfoComm channels 2019 Diseñada para sus consolas 4REA4, S-Series y algunas SD-Range (SD12 y SD7 Quantum), la nueva tarjeta proporciona 64 canales de entrada e igual número de salida a 48 kHz and ...
BGL installs the audiovisual systems of the Auditorium of Sequoia Studios The result of this innovative project has been the implementation of a multifunctional room, with versatile spaces and advanced audiovisual systems, to cover any need for ...
Martin Audio Adds Power to Portable Enclosure Lineup with BlacklineX Powered Diseñada para establecer un nuevo punto de referencia en el audio portátil de alta definición y ancho de banda completo a un precio asequible, esta gama ofrece nuevas opciones activas ...
'UHD Spain’ becomes the permanent national forum on 4K-UHD technology Medina Media impulsa esta iniciativa y se compromete a ponerla en marcha el próximo 8 November, coincidiendo con la celebración de 4K-HDR Summit y Málaga 4K Fest en esta ...
LG Spain shows at Juntos 5 its integral and efficient proposal in the Led screens of Cines Callao The Spanish subsidiary has brought together nearly four hundred partners and customers to show its comprehensive B2B proposal in all its business areas, whose common denominator is efficiency ...
Exterior Plus to install and manage screens at five Commercial Gallery General centers The agreement reinforces its position as a benchmark in Spain in outdoor digital advertising and covers the centers of La Cañada in Marbella, Mataró Parc in Barcelona, Mediterranean in Almeria, Great ...
Colorlight, Verybox and Led&Go join forces to offer comprehensive solutions to the AV market El objetivo de esta alianza es ofrecer un servicio integral y de alta calidad en el mercado AV profesional, alineando las capacidades en tecnología, comercialización e ingeniería de cada compañía. the ...
Vivitek develops the D3600Z range of laser projection for meeting rooms Compuesta por los modelos DH3660Z, DU3661Z y DH3665ZN, esta nueva gama ofrece la posibilidad de elegir entre un brillo de 4.500 and 5.000 Lumens, con resolución FullHD 1080p o WUXGA. Every ...
Partteam & Oemkioks takes its interactive tables to the Juventus CF museum La historia de este famoso club de fútbol italiano esta a disposición de aficionados y visitantes en formato visual e interactivo gracias a las mesas multitáctiles desarrolladas por este fabricante. since ...
DES 2019 Drive digital transformation with a 26% More visitors specifically, 26.342 Visitors, en su mayor parte profesionales y cargos directivos con capacidad de decisión, procedentes de más de cincuenta países, han acudido a este encuentro internacional que finalizó ...