BrightSign develops a flexible cloud management platform for digital signage Denominada BSN.Cloud, ofrece a los clientes de la compañía diferentes opciones de configuración y actualización de contenido y datos en tiempo real sobre el estado del reproductor. La nueva plataforma de ...
Visual systems and technical consoles for the new control center 4.0 by Matsa This high-tech center, from which the control of the mining operations of Aguas Teñidas and Magdalena is centralized (huelva) of this company, has a videowall of ...
Tripleplay presents to the AV /IT market its new caveman software platform 2.0 Este desarrollo aporta un nivel de integración óptimo y avanzadas funciones y soporte a la industria audiovisual y de IT en todos sus proyectos. El fabricante de soluciones de medios digitales ...
AVIT Vision summons the Spanish AV integration sector to its Reload event 2019 The appointment will be the next 21 May in Madrid, where the distributor of AMX and Biamp, among other outstanding brands, will offer talks on collaboration solutions and presentation, Like this ...
Beabloo brings the keys to experience, service and customer value in digitized stores Knowing customer behavior throughout your shopping journey (or customer journey) anonymously and respecting privacy, in order to provide them with information ...
The interactive experience 'The Pink Floyd Exhibition' arrives in Spain with sennheiser's Ambeo 3D sound From next 10 from May to 15 September, Space 5.1 of IFEMA, managed by Sold Out, will host this acclaimed retrospective of the British band, What ...
Fluge Audiovisuales creates an area specialized in supplying clubs and electronic events Called Fluge Club, This new business proposal aims to meet the needs of artists and promoters of this genre with a comprehensive sound service, lighting and video. the ...
BrightSign creates with NEC Display a striking commercial videowall at its headquarters in California Quince pantallas de NEC Display, en resolución UHD y HD y sincronizadas con igual número de reproductores XT de BrightSing, configuran este gran videowall en la sede de Los Gatos ...
Arthur Holm monitors bring design and functionality to the Wakeup Copenhagen Hotel The Danish hotel has an impressive reception area, in which it has integrated the AH1 and DynamicReceptionMonitor monitors to offer the best service to its guests. Elegance, design and ...
Tecnosound Canarias invests in the Led Mac Quantum of Martin Professional for its events The TSC group of companies has relied on Martin Professional, and on SeeSound as your distributor, with the acquisition of these powerful moving heads of Led technology. Quamtum Macs ...
Smart shop windows to create the new MásMóvil store concept Altabox has collaborated in the 'MasLife' project, in which the company has integrated its brands and services in the same space, where audiovisual systems are a key element. MasLife ...
Fujifilm brings with Z5000 new projection possibilities with a rotating and folding lens With ultra-low projection factor, This equipment has been awarded for its innovative functions and technologies, such as the incorporation of the two-axis rotating and folding lens and its ...
AMETIC entrusts the general direction of the employer to Francisco Hortigüela After being part of Samsung Electronics for almost eight years, the new CEO of AMETIC replaces María Teresa Gómez Condado, who starts in turn ...
Gates Center inspires its students with an interactive video wall in tribute to innovators Tribute Wall es un impresionante videowall de 7x2 metros, formed by LCD touch screens of Leyard and Planar, in 6x3 configuration, specifically with Clarity Matrix interactive systems ...
IAB Spain report: advertising investment in digital media grew by 13,5% in 2018 Investment in DooH reached 60,9 million euros and represents a market share of the total advertising investment of the 3,1%. IAB Spain, Advertising association, marketing ...
Ingram Micro Spain expands its range of IoT solutions with Roambee The distribution agreement with this Californian smart sensor specialist responds to the demand of customers looking for traceability and tracking solutions from start to finish. with ...
DiiMD tests in Zaragoza the first interactive and addressable digital signal iGirouette Able to indicate thirty destinations at once, This new type of digital signage is developed to respond to the needs of smart cities or smart city. The Aragonese company ...
Weber Economy and Health boosts internal collaboration with Newline's X6 interactive display This consultancy specialized in health technologies has turned its meeting room into a multipurpose space to share content and videoconferences with all the guarantees of quality. Founded in 2012, ...
Fluge Audiovisuales develops a wireless lighting control system for events The R+D department of the company has created this RF control system that facilitates the realization of light shows in which it is necessary to coordinate numerous points ...
Cines Callao renews its digital screens in favor of image quality and Led efficiency The so-called 'Times Square' of Madrid, in the central Plaza de Callao, It has two new giant digital screens from the manufacturer LG, with the collaboration of Telefónica as a technology provider, ...