Polycom PDMS: cloud services to manage devices in meeting rooms This new cloud-based tool provides information and control to businesses of all the technology used in meeting rooms. The new Polycom Device Management Services, which forms ...
Black Box offers with Radian FleX the alternative to traditional videowall drivers and software This advanced Black Box platform is based entirely on always updatable software, with support for any resolution and unlimited display connection. Una inversión a prueba de futuro es lo ...
JBL Pro by Harman improves sound quality in hotels with Pro SoundBar Diseñada para uso comercial, esta asequible barra de sonido de JBL Pro ofrece funciones optimizadas en calidad de audio en una solución todo en uno. La nueva barra de sonido Pro ...
Audac Imeo: Professional soundbar 2.1 for classrooms and meeting rooms Disponible a través de Seesound, la barra de sonido activa incorpora un soporte de montaje de pared inteligente para daptarse sin problemas en combinación con pantallas o proyectores. La barra de ...
Shenzhen confía en la pantalla curva Led NPP de Absen en su camino como ciudad inteligente El Centro de Operaciones de Longgang cuenta con la pantalla Led NPP curva de este tipo más grande del mundo, suministrada por Absen, composed by 798 Panels, con píxel pich ...
Qualcomm improves the experience of VR and AR devices with its XR1 processor Accelerating and improving video and audio experiences in virtual and augmented reality glasses in an affordable way is the goal of the new Snapdragon XR1 processor. El nuevo procesador Qualcomm ...
Secuoya Nexus gives a workshop on virtual reality applied to brands in El Sol Participants will learn in detail the process of creating a content project for brands with virtual reality. This division of Grupo Secuoya, that combines the areas of corporate and ...
Laser projection marks the path of audiovisual transformation in the DCU Dublin City University embarked on technological modernization project, which includes the deployment of Panasonic laser projectors, along with Crestron DM, for ...
Augmented reality energizes the Duty Free store in the T4 of Madrid-Barajas This Madrid airport store offers an augmented reality experience to travelers with an interactive photocall from Imascono and Telefónica On The Spot Services. Energize the space and improve ...
ImaginArt promotes new business opportunities with partners at its annual event Experiencias de éxito en proyectos de instalación y presentación de las últimas novedades de las marcas representadas por imaginArt han marcado el evento de este año. Siguiendo la tradición de que ...
B-Tech AV Mounts announces expansion with direct presence in the United States and Canada Adds B-Tech AV Mounts LLC to the B-Tech International group, and this will be shown during your participation in InfoComm 2018, next June in Las Vegas. After almost thirty years ...
Barcelona's San Antonio Market reopens its doors with a Neo digital channel The digital channel, developed entirely by Neo, uses screens to provide market information, nearby means of transport, promotions and activities. After more than eight years of work, the ...
Phiphi Beach opens the summer season with the sound of FBT's Shadow series Este club de playa de la costa gaditana basa su sistema de sonido en la serie Shadow de FBT, que soporta las duras condiciones de humedad y salitre sin perder ...
Metro de Medellín launches its network of informative digital screens with Deneva transIT Icon Multimedia's Deneva transIT solution covers installation in all Medellín Metro stations, that has just enabled twenty-four informative digital screens of Samsung in the ...
Kramer Electronics reinforces its business model in the AV market with Ingram Micro El objetivo de Kramer con la ampliación del acuerdo comercial con Ingram Micro es seguir creciendo en el mercado español en ventas de productos de vídeo para el mercado audiovisual. the ...
Vogel's Acquires Majority of SmartMetals Mounting Solutions El fabricante de soportes audiovisuales y TV se ha convertido en copropietario de SmartMetals Mounting Solutions, empresa especializada en sistemas de elevación y montaje a medida. With this acquisition, Vogel’s amplía ...
LG advances OLED technology with a transparent and flexible UHD display 77 Inch With 3,840x2,160p resolution and a 40% transparency, this new LG display can roll up its 77 inches within a radius of 80 Mm. Presented during the Society for ...
Leyard and Planar announce a video synchronization fully integrated with WallSync Desarrollado para la nueva generación de videowall con procesamiento integrado Clarity Matrix G3, la tecnología WallSync garantiza una reproducción de vídeo perfectamente sincronizada, sin configuración manual. WallSync es un conjunto de ...
SeeSound incorporates Panasonic to its brands represented in Spain From this month of May, The projectors of the Panasonic Business division join the commercial proposal in the Spanish market of Seesound. The professional projection technology of ...
The conference room of the U-Park technology park is equipped with DynamicX2 retractable monitors Estos monitores de Arthur Holm han sido seleccionados para este complejo tecnológico, ubicado en el Valle del Internet del Futuro, en la ciudad china de Nanjing. El parque tecnológico U-Park es ...