The conference room of the U-Park technology park is equipped with DynamicX2 retractable monitors Estos monitores de Arthur Holm han sido seleccionados para este complejo tecnológico, ubicado en el Valle del Internet del Futuro, en la ciudad china de Nanjing. El parque tecnológico U-Park es ...
Maverick AV Solutions adds to its offer the new supports and accessories of Vision El fabricante de accesorios para instalaciones audiovisuales sigue ampliando su catálogo con nuevos productos que Maverick AV Solutions ya tiene disponibles para su comercialización. La división de Tech Data especializada en ...
The effectiveness of Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality in its application in operating rooms La solución Microsoft HoloLens ha sido galardonada como una de las mejores ideas del año por su uso en quirófanos, como sucedió en el hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid en ...
InfraRed or ShadowSense? Which touchscreen technology is best suited for each business? From Panasonic analyze these two technologies, that are integrated into its range of professional multi-touch screens to meet the needs of each company and application. Las tecnologías de pantalla multitáctil interactivas ...
Romeo Santos performed in Madrid with a spectacular lighting design The concert of the American artist has counted on the systems of Elation, supplied by Ilusovi, as part of a spectacular lighting and effects design. The Wizink Center in Madrid hosted ...
Crestron adds VTouch keyboard with Cresnet connectivity to its networked devices Gracias a su asociación con Vitrea, este teclado personalizable ofrece a los distribuidores de Crestron una avanzada opción de control mediante un cable Ethernet estándar. El teclado VTouch con conectividad Cresnet se ...
Al Arabia Advertising presents its new digital signage campaign with Led screens from Daktronics more than 3.200 m2 de pantallas digitales de Daktronics protagonizan la nueva campaña de ‘pinturas digitales en las calles’ en Riad, la capital y principal centro de negocios de Arabia ...
Maverick AV Solutions ready to distribute the new Surface Hub 2 of Microsoft in Spain Following the recent Surface Hub unveiling 2, Tech Data's Professional AV Business Division, Include this powerful device to your collaboration solutions. The new Surface Hub 2 of ...
DAS Audio amplía su gama Vantec con el subgrave autoamplificado doble 218A La nueva unidad Vantec 218A cuenta con un doble altavoz y está dirigida al mercado de sistemas portables y DJ por su compacto tamaño y potencia. Vantec 218A es un sistema ...
Philips Display and Deneva star in the digital signage network of Trasmediterránea The digital signage network of the shipping company Trasmediterránea allows to offer a personalized and interactive experience of communication and services to passengers. Digital transformation and the Internet have revolutionized the ...
Exhibition of experimental and immersive archaeology at the Museum of San Isidro The specialists Avanzia and Ypunto Ending have made an immersive experience for the museum visitor with visual systems, interactive content, virtual reality and videomapping. The Museum of San Isidro. the ...
Powersoft becomes the sound option of Luminário Produçoes projects This Brazilian rental company has acquired an EAW sound system for its stock and has chosen Powersoft as the best amplification for its projects. Based in Northern Brazil, Luminário Produçoes esta ...
Paramount Miami WC uses a large Planar video wall as an asset in the sale of condominiums With a size of 231 metre, the videowall is composed of 36 Planar's 55" Clarity Matrix LCD screens and is strategically placed to attract and motivate ...
Maga Engineering deploys its line array for the 50th anniversary of the School of Roads With the title 'Recuerdo a la movida', the auditorium of this institution of the Polytechnic University of Madrid has recalled the concert of 'La Movida' of 1980 with ...
B-Tech AV Mounts strengthens its growing European sales team in Benelux and UK Nico Koets will be responsible for developing new businesses throughout the Benelux region, and Ralph Zaraiah joins B-Tech to the UK sales team. In response to the ...
U-tad's Vrevolution will show the extended reality applications in the MAN Organizado por U-tad, la tercera edición de esta jornada inmersión y divulgación en realidad virtual, aumentada y mixta tendrá lugár el próximo 1 de junio en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional. how ...
Internet Kioskos presents its new range of interactive digital terminals Interactive ticketing systems, touch and adjustable and payment terminals make up the new range of Internet Kiosks to adapt to different applications. The new range of digital Internet terminals ...
Experiments with Uncanny Valley and the sense of touch in virtual reality Trials by a group of Microsoft researchers study the effects of tactile stimuli, and how high-precision haptic sensations don't always produce a more ...
Audio-Technica presenta su nueva gama de productos profesionales para DJ La filial ibérica tiene disponible esta gama de sistemas para DJ, que incluye auriculares profesionales y las cápsulas de imán móvil. La nueva gama de productos para DJ de Audio-Technica, Composed ...
Crestron tiene disponible para su reserva los nuevos teclados de control Horizon En modelos de un solo grupo con hasta cuatro combinaciones posibles, la nueva línea de teclados Horizon de Crestron es una solución avanzada de control, con una estética adaptada a ...