Beyerdynamic TG Wireless Manager: Professional wireless systems management software Además de monitorizar y controlar de forma centralizada los sistemas inalámbricos en red, este software permite el cálculo de ajustes de frecuencias libres de intermodulación. La feria NAMM 2018, of the 25 ...
Brainstorm and offered with OnMedia comprehensive management of augmented reality 3D graphics Ambas compañías presentarán en primicia esta solución en NAB 2018, que forma parte del proyecto Visual Media dentro del programa Europe 2020 Horizon. El desarrollador de graficos 3D en tiempo real ...
Riedel provides intercommunication during the X Slush conference in Helsinki Con cerca de 20.000 present, esta prestigiosa convocatoria empresarial de inversión y negocios ha contado con la tecnología de comunicaciones de radio de este fabricante. En solo diez años, Slush se ...
Icon Multimedia to take ISE 2018 your digital signage solution Deneva under BrightSign El desarrollador español de digital signage refuerza, In addition, su integración con Embedded Signage de Toshiba, para forjar sus alianzas internacionales en el sector audiovisual. La participación de Icon Multimedia en ISE ...
DigaliX Solutions consolidates its business project started ten years ago La tecnológica ha pasado de ser una startup que se inició en 2008 a convertirse en una compañía reconocida en el mercado por sus desarrollos e innovación. Diez años han marcado ...
Promethean multi-touch monitors improve learning in schools in Murcia Tras ganar el concurso público de la Consejería de Educación de esta comunidad, cincuenta aulas disponen ya de los sistemas Promethean, instalados por Led Visual. Promethean, multinacional inglesa especializada en tecnología ...
ViewSonic wants to revolutionize the AV market with the systems that will debut at ISE 2018 The Latest Line of Interactive Flat Panels for Corporate and Educational Environments, along with the debut of the affordable 4K UHD projector are its main technological assets. More than thirty products, What ...
Madrid Municipal Housing Company manages citizens' care with Qmatic Orchestra management software has been integrated into twenty-five EMV service stations to streamline and plan visits. With the aim of offering improved care to ...
Intu Asturias inaugurates the first circular sensory Led screen in Europe from Unilumin Este sistema ultra panorámico ofrece una sensación envolvente a los visitantes del centro comercial, con contenidos multimedia, sonido y vídeos 360º, según el proyecto realizado por el especialista audiovisual Necsum. Located ...
Creativity and technology come together in the works of the video artists who already illuminate Amsterdam World Masters of Projection Mapping already exhibits the 3D projection works of the five finalist video artists, which can be seen for three weeks in the Dutch capital. The joint initiative of the ...
Comm-TEC, official distributor of HRT collaboration systems in Iberia El acuerdo comercial permite ofrecer soluciones de colaboración para mejorar la comunicación y experiencia en salas de reuniones, bajo el concepto ‘virtual huddle room’, in Spain and Portugal. La compañía HRT ...
Epson will show at ISE 2018 Projection application ranges never seen before Daniel Rose, Product Manager, Epson Europe, explains to Digital AV the innovative proposal of ProAV solutions that the manufacturer will deploy at this event and its future prospects ...
Ditec, new member of the global network of AV/IT system integrators The technology company will be the AV integrator in charge of providing coverage in Spain for the Professional Systems Network International Global Alliance. As a new member of the PSNI Global Alliance, worldwide network of ...
IAB Spain presents the first video on the programmatic advertising ecosystem The association, together with the Fisherman agency, describes in the video which are the main agents involved in programmatic buying and how it works with each other. With the aim of ...
Panasonic will create a magical and holographic environment in its traditional show at ISE In recent editions, the Panasonic show has become a must-see at ISE, where he has done everything from live fashion shows to car mappings ...
Avaya Appoints Javier Velasco as Head of Regional Sales New regional sales leader Avaya to be responsible for markets in Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic. Sourced from Genesys, donde hasta la fecha ocupaba el puesto de country ...
EES begins its cycle of training events with the new Vari-Lite systems The moving heads VLZ Profile and VL1100 Led of Vari-Lite star in the cycles that this distributor will carry out in four Spanish cities. The next 22 January in Seville, Entertainment Equipment Supplies ...
Charmex will debut at ISE 2018 to boost its international expansion El proveedor B2B del sector audiovisual acude por primera vez a este certamen de integración con el doble objetivo de atender a sus clientes nacionales y abrir sus operaciones en ...
Crestron will take ISE 2018 the only 4K60 solution 4:4:4 Secure HDR High image quality, No latency, scalable and, above all, fiable son algunas de las ventajas de la serie DM NVX que podrán conocerse en ISE 2018. Crestron ha presentado la ...
Peerless AV advances the novelties in AV media and digital kiosks for ISE 2018 Sistemas en formato retrato con diseño ultradelgado para interior o soportes para instalar grandes proyectores en escenarios y amplios espacios son algunos de los avances que llevará a Ámsterdam. Ise 2018, ...