Beabloo and Yipled join technologies to offer digital marketing solutions and Led visualization The objective between Spanish and Chinese companies is to expand their presence mainly in Asia and Europe, respectively, not forgetting North America, LATAM and the Middle East. The Spanish digital marketing company ...
Holographic projection as a tourist attraction for the big stars of English pop Digital Projection's award-winning HIGHlite Laser II projector has been selected by integrator DJ Willrich to star in the new tourist attraction, British Music Experience de Liverpool, in Kingdom ...
Samsung to surprise at CES 2018 with its CJ791 QLED curved monitor with Thunderbolt 3 The first in its range that incorporates the manufacturer's strategic TV technology and maximum connectivity for all types of devices, announces his arrival at the contest. The imminent edition ...
Digital visual and shift management systems to improve healthcare Digital totem for shift management and large format screens in the waiting rooms are some of the developments of Sopa Software with VisibleTree for this environment. with ...
LG and its visual jewel: an 88" 8K OLED display and 33 millions of pixels El fabricante bate récords de nuevo con esta tecnología, tanto en resolución (7.680 x 4,320p) como en tamaño de panel, con este impactante desarrollo que se podrá ver en unos ...
OLED Technology, 4K and SDR display on Flanders Scientific XM650U monitor Este nuevo monitor profesional de 65" UHD OLED ofrece óptimos niveles de negro y rendimiento de imagen, y está preparado para ofrecer contenido SDR. El especialista en monitores profesionales de edición Flanders ...
The flagship of Drim bets on digital signage as a communication platform The digital signage circuit of the new flagship is based on the Waapiti platform, with NEC Display display systems and TMM Group sensory marketing. The flagship ...
El Festival Volumens Day vuelve a celebrarse para ofrecer una experiencia visual y sensorial Tras unos años aplazado, el Festival Internacional de Exploración Audiovisual celebrará el 20 January 2018 su segunda edición en Valencia. El Centro del Carmen de Cultura Contemporánea (Centre del ...
The digital content industry in Spain contributed 9.834 million euro in 2016 With a growth of the 4,8% compared to the previous year, according to the latest Annual Report on the Digital Content Sector in Spain. La facturación de la industria de contenidos digitales ...
3D digital anatomical visualization will help train future doctors in Spain La Facultad de Medicina de Vic ha sido la primera en España en incorporar la mesa de visualización Sectra, que ya se utiliza en otras universidades del mundo para realizar ...
Datapath will combine its visualization and collaboration systems at ISE for the first time 2018 El software Quant Collaboration funcionando con su nueva gama de controladores de videowall son algunas de las novedades que Datapath presentará en el certamen. Diseñado para usuarios que trabajan en entornos ...
Exterity AvediaPlayer m9305: more storage for digital signage campaigns This powerful player features 32 GB of storage to send IPTV content with multiple videos and high-resolution images, with a wireless version. IP video solutions ...
Artistic projection at London's King's Cross station to entertain travellers The specialist ADi Audiovisual has combined a high-performance projector 10.000 Panasonic lumens with a dnp Supernova Infinity Display with a spectacular result. The lobby of the metro station ...
Stonex sets a date for MA Lighting training courses for 2018 Orientados a perfiles de todos los niveles, el especialista en sistemas de iluminación ha presentado los cursos de manejo de las mesas de control de este fabricante. The year 2018 Comes ...
Samsung Smart e-Board incorporates touch function for more agile and interactive writing Con una cubierta táctil premontada en la pantalla de 82”, el modelo DME-BR permite a los usuarios instalar, controlar y trabajar cómodamente con la solución e-Board all-in-one. Mejorar la capacidad de ...
LG to take CES 2018 monitors with Nano IPS technology and 5K resolution Defining color, brightness and connectivity are the key specifications of LG's new range of monitors, who will arrive in Spain in the middle of 2018. The new ...
Ise 2018: the growing commitment to add value in training, conferences and events Important novelties await the next edition of the event in terms of initiatives designed to offer systems integration professionals a unique experience in value and productivity in ...
Alcalá de Henares celebrates Christmas on an outdoor Led screen El especialista en marketing digital Proyect360 Advertising ha instalado una pantalla Led de 12m² en la que se mostrarán las imágenes con motivos navideños que manden los ciudadanos. La campaña ‘Proyecta ...
B-Tech will surprise at ISE 2018 with its new universal solution for mounting Led screens La próxima edición de este certamen cuenta de nuevo con la innovación de B-Tech con su último desarrollo para el creciente mercado de pantallas Led y su amplia gama de ...
The Teatro Real celebrates its bicentenary with virtual reality and digital transformation of Samsung El proyecto ‘Teatro Real VR’ es el primero del nuevo acuerdo de colaboración entre ambas entidades para ofrecer óperas y contenidos exclusivos con esta tecnología, among other initiatives. Con una duración ...