Charmex organizes open day of projection, collaboration and signage around Vivitek La proyección láser centra el Open Days, that will take place on the 19, 20 and 21 of this month of September, de la marca del grupo Delta en el showroom ...
Vogel's develops special wall mounts for OLED screens En el marco de la reciente celebración IFA 2017 in Berlin, el fabricante ha mostrado soportes exclusivos, que aúnan funcionalidad y diseño, para adaptarse a los formatos ultra finos y ...
PowerAV, new official provider of audiovisual services and equipment of IFEMA La entidad que organiza ferias, salones y congresos en el recinto Feria de Madrid ha confiado en este especialista de servicios audiovisuales para eventos, según el contrato operativo desde el ...
A 3D mapping projection energizes the new Leo Baeck Institute exhibition Los reproductores multimedia 4K de BrightSign son la base para distribuir los elementos visuales, topográficos y archivos que se muestran en una mesa de videoproyección en 3D, according to the project ...
Dante makes Bristol Speedway one of the world's largest live audio facilities The circuit offers through Dante a high capacity and sound quality, after migration to the IP audio system, for 165.000 spectators who come to ...
scope. Digital Arts Festival 2017 extends the programming of its VII edition with 27 new artists The Barcelona festival of digital arts has expanded its proposal for its edition 2017 with nine shows for the stage dedicated to surround sound and 3D, as well as the facilities ...
Panasonic's 4K screens help Riba create exclusive spaces for its events Those responsible for the Royal Institute of British Architects have once again relied on the visual technology of this manufacturer, replacing one of its ten-inch 103" plasma screens ...
Crestron renews its experience center in Madrid with its latest AV and collaboration solutions En línea con su iniciativa estratégica de renovar sus centros en EMEA para mostrar toda la gama de nuevos productos del año y fortalecer su posición en la industria audiovisual, ...
SIMO Education Impulse supports up to 15 September innovative proposals for this sector For the second year in a row, this platform will present during the celebration of SIMO Education 2017, of the 25 to the 27 next October, a selection of innovative grassroots projects ...
AG Neovo expands its RX screens with two models for critical environments In sizes of 22 pulgadas con tecnología AIP del fabricante, and 24 pulgadas con panel Led y cristal óptico neoV, estos sistemas ofrecen un servicio ininterrumpido y fiable. The screen ...
Movilok is committed to the integration of mobile technologies to transform digital signage From this specialist, they point out that it is no longer enough to issue information in stores with passive digital signage systems, rather, the user demands more interactivity in the ...
4K Summit 2017 will concentrate in the Digital Content Pole of Malaga the innovation in UHD Con el registro abierto, Medina Media ha anunciado que la tercera edición de este evento tendrá finalmente como sede este espacio, donde hace unos meses esta compañía también celebró con ...
Tomorrowland streams five continents with simultaneous lighting control For the second year in a row, festival managers have made a live connection from Belgium to eight countries around the world, where all the scenarios worked simultaneously ...
Publintur centralizes the dynamic digital communication of its services with netipbox Netipbox's content management platform has been the solution of choice for the centrally and up-to-date dissemination of messages and advertisements created by this agency ...
Retail Pro Decisions: 360º multi-source visual analysis for specialty retailers Developed by Retail Pro International, This integrated business intelligence and visual analysis software leverages data from multiple sources to improve the operations of these professionals in their work.. the ...
Robe revolutionizes the market with its MegaPointe multifunctional robotic luminaire Este sistema todo-en-uno de iluminación espectacular ofrece en un compacto tamaño funciones avanzadas como beam paralelo de 475W, 2.215.000 Lumens, rueda de color con trece filtros dicroicos y blanco, Like this ...
T&S Group enhances the sound system in its projects with the Powersoft X Series The Ecuadorian integrator and distributor combines the Bose ShowMatch sound system, brand that uses these amplifiers, to increase performance and power in events in theaters, Auditoriums, Etc. with ...
Sony Professional and UbiCast collaborate to promote multimedia and interactive learning This cooperation project between the multinational of visual solutions and the specialist in video capture and streaming for educational centers will allow to share rich and interactive multimedia content in ...
Scala software facilitates communication on Kuala Lumpur Pantai Hospital's digital network The contents of the digital signage network deployed in the new hospital center building are managed with this software quickly and continuously updated to facilitate the ...
Charmex inaugurates new facilities in Bogotá with showroom and warehouse El proveedor B2B del sector audiovisual ha trasladado su sede a unas nuevas oficinas para mejorar el servicio y las entregas a su red de distribuidores en Colombia y América ...