Infortisa presents interactive whiteboards with up to ten simultaneous touches of its iggual brand The IT and technology wholesaler has expanded its product range with the new line of interactive whiteboards of the Iris series, Available in sizes of 82 and 86 ...
Rock Vineyard 2017 counted again with the systems of D.A.S. Audio for sound The systems of this Spanish brand have been since the year 2012 bringing sound quality to this event, that in its last edition has brought together more than 200.000 people ...
Charmex Latinoamérica SAS debuts at infoComm and Expo Virtual Educa Colombia 2017 El proveedor B2B del sector audiovisual sigue intensificando su presencia en América Latina con su primera participación en estos importantes certámenes donde exhibirá la gama de monitores interactivos Clevertouch, Like this ...
Wholesaler EET Group appoints Søren Drewsen as the company's new CEO El directivo sucede en el cargo a John Thomas, quien tras veinte años como máximo responsable de este distribuidor europeo ha decidido retirarse y unirse a la junta directiva. El nombramiento ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia presents the AV potential of its technological transformation The Valencian venue has completed its technological renovation, carried out in two phases, which has culminated in an innovative provision of audiovisual equipment in the auditoriums and rooms that compose it, ...
WePresent remains committed to wireless collaboration with WiCS-2100 Este primer dispositivo simplifica aún mas el uso de la presentación, interacción y colaboración entre usuarios mediante cualquier disposivo, mejorando el rendimiento de cualquier espacio donde se trabaja en equipo, ...
Tyco develops The RFID Fitting Room solution to improve the shopping and business experience Este probador inteligente con tecnología de identificación por radiofrecuencia aporta a los minoristas mayor precisión de inventario dentro de los probadores, el área de mayor conversión de ventas de la ...
Tech Data appoints Santiago Méndez to lead Azlan and Technology Solutions in Iberia El mayorista ha anunciado la composición del nuevo equipo de dirección para el mercado ibérico, una vez finalizada la compra e integración de Avnet Technology Solutions. La estructura de la nueva ...
Logitech MeetUp: videoconferencing with 4K optical systems for small meeting rooms Esta compacta cámara ofrece un campo visual super-ancho, of 120 Degrees, de manera que todos los participantes en torno a una mesa de reuniones pequeña son perfectamente visibles. It features ...
The TSG Stadium 1899 Hoffenheim bets on Exterity's IP video solution The TSG football team 1899 Hoffenheim de Alemania ha cerrado un acuerdo con este proveedor de tecnología de vídeo IP y digital signage para distribuir televisión en directo y vídeo ...
The education market is changing La demanda de soluciones tecnológicas en los entornos educativos ha evolucionado mucho en los últimos años, tanto en los productos y equipos que se requieren como en el perfil de ...
The largest Led display aboard a ship sails on msc Meraviglia through the Mediterranean The new flagship of Swiss cruise company MSC Meraviglia has not repaired technological investment to make the passenger stay as comfortable as possible. ...
Peerless-AV focuses its participation in DSS Europe on the DS-VW775 support and the KIPC25 curved kiosk A key event for the manufacturer's strategy in the European business market, en el que además de contactar con partners y distribuidores centrará su participación en los últimos desarrollos ...
The House of European History opens its doors to show its legacy with AV technology The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has opened this museum in the Eastman building in Brussels, whose design and technical development has been carried out by the Spanish company APD, that collects ...
Zielo is visually renewed with a large format exterior Led screen and 7000 nits of brilliance The first shopping centre in Europe with Leed Gold certification, has updated the outdoor Led display for a new visual support with this technology, 82m2 and pixel pitch ...
Oracle Team USA uses IoT technology and a thousand sensors to win the 35th America's Cup Vinculado desde hace años a la Copa del América, el equipo de la multinacional tecnológica hace honor a la misma con el uso de avanzados sistemas de análisis de datos ...
Crestron Ibérica shows the advantages of its AV control systems in two open days Durante estos eventos, más de ochenta profesionales de cuarenta empresas han conocido en detalle el funcionamiento de los procesadores Avia DSP y sus herramientas de configuración y programación; de la solución ...
The Virtual Reality Observatory opens registrations and announces speakers With the registration register available to professionals, executives from the ICT and audiovisual industries and the general public who want to know the latest about this technology, The Organization ...
Crambo Visual Tour 2017 will stop in Gran Canaria with the latest news from its partners The audiovisual wholesaler ends this tour next year 20 June on this island, After touring some Spanish cities for a month to present the new features of Display, Professional AV, ...
Daktronics responds to the retail sector with the narrow pixel Pitch – NPP range of LED screens The manufacturer has shown for the first time at the Retail Digital Signage Expo 2017, held during the week dedicated to this environment in London, your LED screens with pixel pitch ...