Iiyama 40 Series: Large format LFD displays for retail and entertainment Compuesta por modelos de 32, 43, 48 and 55 Inch, todos con diferentes tipos de paneles Led para adaptarse a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones de visualización. El fabricante de pantallas ...
Vogel's Connect-it adds videowall mounts to floor of up to four screens in height The new products of this well-known series of professional audiovisual supports consists of three PUC tubes that reach up to 330 cm. in height and two types of bases, in ...
LEDBlade will offer a new visual experience with LED strip technology in Prolight+Sound 2017 La inminente celebración de Prolight+Sound 2017, of the 4 to the 7 de abril en messe Fráncfort, mostrará las posibilidades y aplicaciones de este innovador sistema desarrollado por el proveedor húngaro de ...
Holotronica, Christie and PRG: stunning 3D visualization for Beyoncé's Grammy performance Una enorme pantalla transparente y reflectante, en la que se proyectaban efectos holográficos y 3D de alta resolución han protagonizado la performance de la artista Beyoncé que durante quince minutos ...
Medina Media will organize the ObseRVatorio of VR and AR in the Digital Content Pole of Malaga The conference, which will take place on 19 and 20 next July is the first event that this company will hold in the capital of the Costa del Sol, ...
BTC City relies on IoT technology and digital platforms its transformation into a sustainable center Los propietarios de este centro comercial y de negocio, uno de los mayores de Europa, han desarrollado un proyecto para mejorar su entorno ambiental y social con la tecnología de sensores ...
Chief deploys in DSE 2017 your new AV mounts with up-to-the-up rotation 90 Degrees El fabricante muestra en su espacio expositivo en este certamen, until next time 3 April in Las Vegas, su nuevo sistema Freestyle Rotation Adapter (FRA), that offers up to 90 ...
Trade explains the advantages of the Projection module of the Master of video for shows Con un programa modular para ofrecer a los alumnos flexibilidad en oportunidades laborales, “en este curso se explica todo lo que debe conocer y ejecutar un técnico de proyecciones, since ...
Belden develops a structured cable to transmit video signals in HDBaseT With the denomination 2183, este cable permite la transmisión de vídeo sin comprimir en calidad 4K llevando alimentación (100W) hasta una distancia de 100 metros gracias a su robusta protección. Especially ...
British group Midwich acquires Earpro La adquisición valora el patrimonio del reconocido distribuidor de soluciones de audio, iluminación y vídeo en España y Portugal en unos 11 millions of euros, incluyendo un saldo neto de ...
La escuela Provençals de Barcelona prueba con éxito los sistemas interactivos de StarBoard This pilot project, que se inicia en esta escuela pública de Barcelona por una propuesta de este fabricante de monitores y Charmex, mayorista que comercializa en exclusiva en el mercado ...
Genelec deploys its audio technology at the Em Sherif restaurant in Dubai The series 4000 From the manufacturer brings the optimal sound system to this central and well-known restaurant in the Arab emirate, with a demanding acoustic environment, in which diners ...
Advertising investment forecasts are moderated and annual growth stands at a 4,3% The panelists of Zenith Vigía have placed in five tenths less the forecasts of advertising investment for this year than those announced in the first quarter, that has not ...
Digital Projection offers a spectacular visual immersion to visitors to Dubai City Walk This new shopping center of the Arab emirate has 34 projectors of the Titan range of this manufacturer, that form the visual backbone of the facility, while combining ...
Kramer presents its new range of distributors, 4K amplifiers and extenders Con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la señal vídeo, lossless, a cualquier sala de reunión o de conferencias, Classrooms, Etc. el fabricante ha desarrollado esta gama de ...
Rosco develops its first Image Spot Led gobo projector De diseño compacto y energéticamente más eficiente, este sistema es el primero del fabricante con tecnología Led, que ofrece una proyección de gobos de alta calidad a una distancia de ...
Christie improves Pandoras Box with the development of Octo Server to offer up to eight outputs Prolight+Sound 2017, to be held from the 4 to the 7 April in the German city of Frankfurt, It is the framework chosen by the manufacturer to present this new hardware, that offers ...
Iiyama presents two ranges of touch screens with PCAP technology for digital signage The new series 38, formed by the screen of 27 inch TF2738MSC-B1 and Series 34, composed of five IPS Led models of 21,5 Inch, incorporate projected capacitive touch technology ...
Holography and 3D images without the need for virtual reality glasses with HoloLamp Esta innovadora empresa francesa ha desarrollado un dispositivo de realidad aumentada portátil, No glasses required, para crear ilusiones ópticas en 3D directamente y reproducir hologramas en cualquier superficie. Technology ...
Robotics, laser projection mapping and 230º screen, Epson's proposal at CeBIT 2017 Many and varied novelties ranging from 3LCD laser projection, augmented reality devices to dancing robots and even a compact office papermaking system ...