Tecnicongress and Christie perform the first retransmission of 3D vitrectomy surgery in Spain Christie HD14K-M projectors have played a leading role in the first live broadcast of a 3D vitrectomy ophthalmological surgery session in Spain, organized in Elche by ...
"Whatever the size or AV project of the client, the mounting solution is B-Tech", Paul Haggarty Responding to all the needs of mounting screens and videowall that the customer requires is the premise of the British manufacturer B-Tech, And it has demonstrated this with its innovations in ...
Insomniac music festivals designs its stage lighting with Elation Professional Con espectaculares diseños de iluminación a cargo de Steve Lieberman y SJ Lighting, estos festivales de música electrónica celebrados recientemente en California y Florida han contado con centenares de aparatos ...
Polycom and Microsoft Develop New Unified Communications and Collaboration Solutions The edition 2017 de CeBIT, of the 20 to the 24 de marzo en la ciudad alemana de Hannover, es el certamen escogido por estas empresas para presentar conjuntamente las nuevas soluciones ...
Brainstorm to take NAB 2017 your advances in real-time 3D graphics and augmented reality The new versions of its augmented reality solutions, virtual studies graphic capacity mark the proposal of the company in this important contest of the audiovisual industry, to be held ...
ATDrumtracks entrusts its high-quality track recordings to Audient ASP880 Este preamplificador microfónico y ADC de ocho canales forma parte de los sistemas de alta gama de este estudio profesional detrás del que está el músico Alex Toff, in the ...
Crestron completes its line of multichannel amplifiers Avia Audio Solutions Los nuevos modelos AMP-8075 y AMP-8150 funcionan de forma nativa con la gama de procesadores profesionales de audio Avia DSP, lo que permite a los integradores ofrecer y gestionar sistemas ...
Aumentaty bets on immersive reality with its new corporate name Con motivo de la celebración de sus once años de actividad en el entorno de realidad virtual, esta empresa con sede en Valencia, hasta ahora conocida como Bienetec, cambia su ...
Pioneer strengthens its multi-room audio proposal with FireConnect and new firmware El fabricante consolida su propuesta de audio multi-room para sus sistemas AV y componentes de alta fidelidad con esta actualización de su firmware, que facilita la distribución inalámbrica del audio ...
Collaborative technology modifies classroom design Las nuevas soluciones inalámbricas aplicadas al aula permiten que el alumno participe activamente, explica Dick de Vaal, CEO de P2M/wePresent en este artículo, en el que señala que si bien ...
Spanish investment in digital signage will grow in 9,1% This year, according to DBCI The zenith Vigía agency foresees a very positive increase in investment in digital signage in the Spanish market, the second largest after mobile advertising, What ...
Droniberia will explain the regulation and regulation of UAVs in The drone show 2017 This association of drone companies from Spain will participate, of the 22 to the 23 of this month of March, in this contest and congress to explain and help in the legislation, ...
Turismo24horas expands its digital network of interactive tourist screens Aranda de Duero in Burgos and Candeleda and El Barraco in Ávila have trusted in the network of this company to promote their culture and tourist offer, as well as offering ...
Acme Group joins the Association of Lighting Authors of Spain El especialista en iluminación escénica profesional y en sistemas de audio, cuyos productos distribuye en el mercado nacional Earpro, se incorpora a esta entidad para compartir y divulgar la cultura ...
The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Balearic Islands is committed to interactive training La institución cuenta con el sistema de votación interactivo de Turning Technologies, que comercializa en España Led Visual, además de un software que se integra con Powerpoint para facilitar la ...
EES adds to its commercial proposal in Spain the manufacturer of laser systems Kvant Products of the Slovak brand, developed to offer spectacular lighting solutions with laser technology for all types of show applications, Events, mapping, Etc. are present in the ...
"Vogel's covers the needs that the professional requests and the market trends", Noemi Belenguer With more than one 80% of novelties of all the products presented in ISE 2017, The directors of the Iberian subsidiary assure in this video interview that they have a complete range ...
NEC Display improves collaboration in classrooms and meeting rooms with new ME Series projectors Estos equipos LCD, con niveles de luminosidad entre 3.000 and 4.000 Lumens, están diseñados para mejorar el trabajo en equipo en entornos de enseñanza e instalaciones colaborativas gracias a su ...
Allen & Heath dLive: taf music school's new digital mixing system Quality, versatility and solidity of the system have been the arguments of this well-known Madrid music school to acquire a dLive S5000 control surface, junto con el rack modular ...
Spar Gran Canaria incorporates the latest video and audio technology into its new distribution center Local specialist DJ3 Networks has been responsible for the integration of 4K and digital audio technologies in the new boardroom of the recently expanded logistics center of ...