"Maverick offers all the technologies in signage and collaboration of the new AV environment", points out Joan Aixa The wide deployment in new solutions for digital signage and collaboration carried out by the ProAV division of the wholesaler Tech Data in ISE 2017 is evident in this video made in ...
MWC 2017: Watchity will broadcast in live streaming through collaborative recording the 4YFN event The global business meeting 4 Years From Now (4YFN), created for the community of technological startups promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, will be the first broadcast in live streaming through ...
Drones take the classroom as a learning tool at Brains International Schools Asistir a clases con drones para formarse en matemáticas, física, robótica o geografía es ya una realidad en este centro educativo, que han observado que aprender utilizando estos dispositivos aumenta ...
Virtual Playground brings the immersive experience of virtual reality to all audiences Located in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, this room dedicated to virtual reality video games offers a new concept of leisure, that combines this innovative technology and connected devices ...
Health&Pharma TV transforms the lorca earthquake pharmacy into the most digital in Spain This project, realizado por la franquicia especializada en digital signage para este ámbito de Grupo Telecoalia, supone no sólo la recuperación de este establecimiento, tras el terremoto que asoló en ...
Airports in Portugal opts for the Sony Vision Presenter collaboration system for its COE El nuevo Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE) del Aeropuerto de Lisboa cuenta con esta solución de monitorización interactiva para reproducir, a través de un videowall en configuración 2x4, for ...
Black Box In-Session and Boxilla: Innovation in Room Programming and Control of AV/KVM Systems El fabricante ha desarrollado estos nuevos sistemas, que presentó recientemente en ISE 2017, para facilitar la reserva y gestión de espacios de reunión, así como de las salas de control ...
Seoul encourages research in virtual and augmented reality with a specialized center Located west of the capital of South Korea, at the high-tech Digital Media City complex (CDM, Digital Media City), the new center, called KoVAC, Intended ...
Sommer Cable responds to UHD transmission with Transit MC combo cable 3202 Hd This professional cable allows the deployment of ultra high resolution signals in both video cameras, in audio or control systems, whether in large ...
AverMedia unveils its new capture solutions, coding and streaming The manufacturer has shown during its recent participation in ISE 2017 your new AVerCaster HEVC RS9280 system, specially developed for IPTV and OTT industry, to improve the quality of ...
Beabloo analyzes five digital marketing strategies that the retailer must apply No doubt, omnichannel is the star trend in the retail world, but it's not the only one, as the Spanish specialist in digital marketing analyzes in this article, ...
Architectural Led Lighting of Elation in the Canadian city hall of Rouyn-Noranda La nueva iluminación arquitectónica de este ayuntamiento de la provincia de Quebec se basa en sistemas Led de este fabricante diseñados con protección IP-65 para soportar todo tipo de condiciones ...
The I-Series range starred in the participation of Elo Touch in ISE 2017 and its vision for the future The manufacturer has shown in the recent edition of the event not only how its touch screens with Android facilitate the deployment of interactive digital signage solutions in retail sectors, ...
Atlantic Devices introduces the concept of traditional slate, digital and interactive with e-Blackboard Desde pizarra tradicional, a display interactivo y panel multitáctil, este sistema ofrece una solución todo en uno y en gran formato para trabajar y colaborar en entornos educativos, corporativos y ...
Arthur Holm: new ranges of DB2 and UnderCover monitors for meeting rooms La compañía ha aprovechado su participación en ISE 2017, celebrado recientemente en Ámsterdam para mostrar en detalle sus nuevas soluciones integradas en el mobiliario para espacios de reuniones, conferences, auditoriums and ...
Powersoft Quattrocanali: Four-channel audio amplification for medium-sized installations The Italian manufacturer has taken advantage of its recent participation in ISE 2017 to introduce its new four-channel audio amplification platform, composed of three models of 1.200 to ...
"LG's success is based on innovation with revolutionary technologies", says Francisco Ramírez This is stated by the head of the company's B2B division in the Iberian market in this video interview, made in ISE 2017, while detailing each of the novelties ...
Beabloo and Aaeon explain how to improve the retail experience with Analytics Display Both companies have presented this new joint solution for retail companies at Integrated Systems Europe (Ise) 2017, just held in Amsterdam. The development of Analytics Display has ...
Ise 2017 grows a 11,7% as a catalyst for innovation in the AV industry The final and official results a few days before the closing of the contest could not be more positive: new all-time record, with 73.413 registered attendees during the four days of exhibition, ...
Philips bets on an ultra-thin bezel in its new monitor to improve visibility El modelo 245C7QJSB no solo tiene la pantalla más fina de los monitores de este fabricante, sino que cuenta con un bisel ultra estrecho en tres de sus lados para ...