TD Synnex to Distribute Poly's Hybrid Work Solutions in Europe El acuerdo comercial europeo con Poly se realizará a través de la división Endpoint Solutions de TD Synnex y de Maverick, su negocio audiovisual especializado, ofreciendo acceso a un ecosistema ...
Fujifilm confía en AVM la venta y soporte de sus proyectores profesionales FP-Z La asociación del distribuidor AVM con Fujifilm se centra en el suministro de su gama de proyectores FP-Z de ultracorta distancia, así como en su especificación, instalación y asistencia para ...
super 8 Media renews its vertical LED with Samsung in the Plaza de Callao in Madrid The Digital Outdoor Specialist Super 8 Media has turned on its new commercial LED display, Samsung XHB-TB, with a pixel pitch of 6 mm and ...
Macroservice showcases Elo Touch Solutions' latest AV systems New large-format touch monitors, Series I All-in-One Teams 3.0 e I 4.0, Android Backpack Players 4.0 and TDM modules for Elo Touch integrators ...
BenQ bets on efficiency with a 4Led projector without lamp or filter Con tecnología 4Led y 2.800 Lumens, el nuevo proyector LW600ST “es el claro camino de actualización de la proyección basada en lámparas”, ha afirmado el director de desarrollo comercial de ...
Robe brings light to Ukraine's new Leoland multi-purpose space Este complejo educativo, empresarial y de ocio, definido como “un pequeño milagro y testimonio del espíritu y la fuerza ucraniana para beneficiar a la comunidad”, cuenta con una sala de ...
Magewell Achieves Zoom Certification for USB Capture Devices Los dispositivos externos USB Capture HDMI y Capture HDMI Plus, creados por Magewell para que los profesionales e integradores AV incorporen señales de vídeo y audio a soluciones de software, ...
Daktronics Creative Services Elevates Western Experience & Southern Open More than forty Daktronics LED screens, with the creation of more than 4.000 Individual pieces of digital content, Graphics & Branding, have improved the customer experience. ...
Bose Professional Simplifies Sound in Commercial Spaces with AudioPack Pro Sold in different ready-to-install packages, los nuevos sistemas AudioPack Pro de Bose Professional proporcionan sonido de calidad para música ambiental y mensajes en entornos de retail de tamaño ...
Avanzia designs the new public address system for the Alcoraz stadium This sports venue in Huesca has relied on the audiovisual engineering Avanzia to install a Bose Professional public address system that allows fans to hear clearly ...
Elation desarrolla la nueva generación de iluminación híbrida con Proteus Hybrid MAX Calificado como “una evolución revolucionaria en la excelencia de la iluminación”, Elation Proteus Hybrid MAX es un auténtico híbrido haz, spot y wash capaz de crear una amplia gama efectos, ...
Cisco Explains Its AI Strategy for Webex Cisco's AI Proposal for Webex Will Use RMM Technology, Uniquely Combining Text Intelligence, audio and video to improve communication and collaboration capabilities. "Unlike ...
PPDS Delivers Size and Sustainability in New Philips Tableaux 32" ePaper Featuring the latest E Ink Spectra technology 6 integrated into the Philips Tableaux series, PPDS Becomes First Manufacturer to Develop Color ePaper Signage Display ...
DTEN D7X 75" Achieves Microsoft Teams Certification The D7X Video Conferencing & Collaboration Display 75" by DTEN, the company's third to receive certification for Microsoft Teams, It is suitable for medium-sized meeting spaces. the ...
Prolights transforma con sus EclFresnel el auditorio del colegio Cannon Hill Este centro educativo anglicano de Brisbane (Australia) ha instalado un nuevo equipo de iluminación totalmente Led, que se basa en los proyectores ECLFresnel 2K y JR de Prolights. The auditorium of the ...
ROE Visual Introduces Vanish ST Outdoor Led Panel Series Designed as a cost-effective LED solution, Reliable & Multipurpose for the AV Rental Market by ROE Visual, the new Vanish ST series is available for outdoor use ...
DiGiCo and Fourier Audio Advance Live Sound with transform.engine Known until now by the code name 'Project core', and now official transform.engine, result of the partnership between DiGiCo and Fourier Audio, puts it within the reach of engineers ...
United Airlines Airshop: Aviation Innovation & Immersion Center United Airlines' Airshop Innovation Center features an immersive theater, with 270° projection mapping, contenidos interactivos 3D de tamaño real y zonas de capacitación, What ...
Quevedo entrusts the lighting design of his tour to Ayrton Cobra moving heads Canarian rapper Quevedo's 'DQE where I want to be' tour features thirty Ayrton Cobra moving heads to create a visual spectacle in two formats: one conventional and one ...
MaxHub strengthens its workforce in Spain with the arrival of Gael Petitpierre With the addition of Gael Petitpierre as MaxHub's Presales Engineer, The company boosts its presence in the local market and increases the business of video collaboration solutions. With the ...