Genelec Unio: audio monitoring with SAM 9320A controller Developed to optimize audio monitoring flow, both in the dining room and with headphones, the core of Genelec's Unio platform is the SAM 9320A reference controller, ...
Colorlight desarrolla una potente plataforma de control para videowall Led El nuevo procesador de vídeo ColorAdept+Z8t de Colorlight proporciona imágenes de alta calidad y control preciso del color, simplificando la eficiencia operativa en videowall Led, con una rápida transmisión y ...
EM Acoustics Revamps Donmar Warehouse Theatre Sound System Los altavoces de las series EMS y R de EM Acoustics equipan ahora la sala de este emblemático teatro londinense, ofreciendo un sonido envolvente y unificado. Considerado un icono de la ...
Axiom Holographics creates the world's first holographic zoo Hologram Zoo, in Australia, is the first hologram zoo that specialist Axiom Holographics has designed with 3D visualization tables of multiple points of view, so that the ...
Key Digital defines a flexible conference space with Compass Control Pro The AV infrastructure of the Carson Springs Conference Center, in the United States, uses Key Digital's video signals and processing solutions to meet needs ...
DPA Microphones impulsa su I+D desde una nueva sede en Dinamarca Ubicada a las afueras de Copenhague, en Kokkedal, la nueva sede de DPA Microphones ofrece un moderno espacio, equipado con alta tecnología, para fomentar la investigación y el desarrollo de ...
Vioso configures an innovative cylindrical Cave for Kaist's headquarters in Korea Integrator VizWave has relied on Vioso's self-calibration technology to create a stereoscopic virtual environment and ensure immersive visualization at headquarters, cylindrical design, of the ...
Bose and Powersoft Combine Technologies in New PowerShareX Amplifiers Developed in collaboration with Powersoft as an add-on to Bose Professional sound systems, The new PowerShareX adaptive amplifiers feature four channels and integrate a DSP for ...
ISE expands its management team ahead of its 20th anniversary edition With the intention set on the special edition that will take place in 2024 for the 20th anniversary of Integrated Systems Europe, the organization has brought on Tom Barker-Harrold as a director ...
Virtualware offers full interoperability between virtual and mixed reality on Viroo 2.4 La nueva versión de la plataforma Viroo de Virtualware, now available, incluye una avanzada característica para combinar tecnologías de realidad virtual, aumentada y mixta dentro de las sesiones de una ...
AtlasIED Brings Audio Control to Whitman College's Aquatic Facilities AtlasIED's DPA804 networked four-channel power amplifier, as well as its Atmosphere AZM4 audio processing and control system configure the sound installation of ...
Shure Acquires Ab Audio Software Company Wavemark Oy Especializada en software para teatro, my e, television, broadcast y creadores de contenidos, la empresa finlandesa Ab Wavemark Oy pasará a formar parte del fabricante Shure como parte de su gama ...
Madrid Stock Exchange trusts Ricoh and LG the digitization of the stock market La compañía de servicios digitales Ricoh ha instalado cinco pantallas Led de LG en el vestíbulo principal del histórico Palacio de la Bolsa de Madrid (Bme), proporcionando a los operadores ...
PPDS Improves Hotel Room Experience with Philips HAL5023 Configured exclusively for Philips MediaSuite TVs, PPDS expands its range of hotel in-room entertainment with this professional two-in-one soundbar, that integrates a ...
Ayrton unveils new IP65-rated versions of Argo6 Especially suitable for generating all the effects needed in large productions and events, the Argo6 Wash and Argo6 FX versions, designed by Ayrton with IP65 rating, They have ...
Genelec Soundtracks India's Influence on Fashion with Smart IP A total of 128 Speakers 4430 Smart IP de Genelec han sido el núcleo del sistema de sonido inmersivo para la exposición 'India en la moda', realizada con motivo de ...
LEA Professional boosts Sydney's exhibition centre with its amplifiers Los amplificadores de la serie Connect de LEA Professional protagonizan el nuevo sistema de audio instalado en este importante recinto australiano multiusos. Built in 1998 para albergar eventos importantes internacionales, Sydney ...
LG Signature OLED M: first 97" wireless TV with Zero Connect With a size of 97", it's the first wireless OLED TV on the market so far, in which LG has integrated Zero Connect technology, with a coverage ...
ViewSonic shows its interactive screen of 105 "and 5K resolution With an aspect ratio of 21:9, ViewSonic's new ViewBoard IFP105S interactive display is specially designed to foster collaboration in corporate and higher education environments. The screen ...
Magic Leap 2 Integrate more features to foster business collaboration The Augmented Reality Platform (Ra) Magic Leap 2 Offers new features and software enhancements to increase collaboration and productivity, with greater immersion capacity and ...